Following 42 Tea Drinkers

Cameron (aka C.R.) 75 followers

Always loved tea. Completely kicked coffee a few years ago and never looked b...

Autumn Hearth 147 followers

Druid, artist, poet, mum, lover of tea, ritual and myth. I grew up on Celest...

Teaves Tea Company 100 followers

Teaves is a premiere specialty tea company that offers premium quality loose ...

Meowkattack 86 followers

Dessert Tea Lover. Massive Iced Tea Drinker. Mate Obsessed. Hula Hooper. Go-G...

Pekko 52 followers

Our Vision. We as humans are social creatures and it is part of who we are. I...

Daisy Chubb 432 followers

29/f/CAN My favourite tea companies are DavidsTea and Verdant Tea. They pleas...

steapshoppe 43 followers

Small California based tea company that uses all natural ingredients to enhan...

KaiMatcha 47 followers

KaiMatcha is proud to introduce KaiMatcha Premium – A ceremonial grade matcha...



I’m huge Harney & Sons fan.

I love trying new teas. Every tea that I try allows me to have an experience to learn my likes and dislikes.

I am continuing to learn how to properly brew teas. I’ve learned so much so far since I’ve been a member.

I love buying Forlife products. I think that they are made with great quality!

I love eating organic foods when I have the chance.I’ve recently become a vegetarian.


Yonkers, New York

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