22 Tasting Notes
Mike: “It tastes like cardboard. It should be called cardboard spice.”
Not sure what the others thought of it.
Brewed in Big Glass Teapot
I don’t like these retroactive logs with supposed “quotes”. Logging these while at the office is probably the best way to ensure you don’t totally butcher what we say…
Jack: “It’s older than you, Ricky! It smells like Chocolate.”
Jason: “It’s not tea , it’s butt. It doesn’t taste as bad as it smells.”
Brewed in our Medium Dark Yixing Pot
It did smell worse than it tasted, kinda like dirty butt, but dirty in the “earth” sense, and, well, “butt” in the butt sense. I just don’t think I’m a pu-erh guy.
Jack: (Second Steep for 1min) “It’s alright. It’s like what you would expect. A bit of melon.”
Jason: http://steepster.com/jason/posts/47407
Brewed in Tiny White Teapot
Mike: “It’s nice.”
Ricky: “It’s a little light.”
Jack: “It’s okay. Not bad.”
Brewed in Huge Glass Teapot
Jason loves Butt Tea, doesn’t he!? I think that’s two days in a row, isn’t it!? LOL
Haha, I’m the one who keeps brewing this tea. Everyone at the office (except Jason) loves pu-erh.