TTB IDEA: Spring Cleaning! (To be started early 2015)
This is my second idea for a different kind of TTB.
In this one, instead of putting back in the same amount you took, thus keeping the same or higher weight on the box from the time it leaves the organizer to the time it comes back, this tea box would involve getting rid of tea you don’t want, and not being required to keep a certain amount in it.
So the organizer would put whatever tea they want to get rid of in the box.
The next person would take as much of it as they like and put all the tea they want to get rid of in the box.
The box continues passing on until it gets back to the organizer with probably very little tea left in it.
The idea here is for the organizer, and participants to actually end up with LESS tea than they started out with (unlike normal tea boxes). In this one, you’re under no obligation to do anything except send some of YOUR stash onward. The rest of the box is up for grabs. So what comes to you, you could take all of it if you wanted. Just send some teas you want to clear out onward.
Yes this means that not everyone will get the same amount of tea sent to them, and not everyone will have many options for new teas.
This tea wouldn’t be about getting lots of tea. It’d be about getting RID of lots of tea.
With the hope that someone after you would enjoy what you got rid of.
And if a lot of tea came back to the organizer? They could start another TTB (of the same, or a different type) with the extras.
This post is not a signup. Just an idea.
Tell me what you guys think.
If there’s significant interest, I’ll start organizing it over the next months and we can start it after the Holidays. I don’t want to try to do a TTB during December for obvious reasons.
The math doesn’t seem to work out. IF everyone dumps a lot of bad tea in a box, the last guy winds up with 20 pounds of bad tea. Seems to me you need a mix: alternate people who want to dump tea with people who are desperate to try a lot of new stuff.
The idea was not “bad tea” but “Not my cup of tea”. Every tea you hate is someone else’s favorite.
I have an opposite-taste-buds partner on here. She and I generally hate each other’s favorites and vice versa. If she went after me, she’d probably have plenty of keepers. And I wouldn’t mind having a few people join in who wanted to try stuff as long as they promised to leave some for the next person to go through or something. Thanks for the feedback. Will be considered :)
By the time a TTB ends up back to me it’s usually a big box of scent contaminated leftovers :/
I sure would like to pass on some teas. They are perfectly good teas but not my “cup of tea”. They sure do accumulate quickly! Great idea!
I’d love to participate in a box like this since I have a bunch of teas that aren’t my thing and I don’t know what else to do with. Lol!
And I agree with Dr Jim that a mix of ‘get rid of it’ and ‘I want to try everything’ sort of people would be good. Though then you also face the quandary of having newbies and possibly losing the box.
The problem of weight is easily solved by just using a flat rate box. If ever there was a good TTB idea to use one, this would be it since every flat rate box size will be a flat set price up to 70 pounds…and I can’t even imagine going over 70 pounds of tea in a single box. Lol!
Sounds like a great idea! Like the others can see the weight of the box driving the shipping costs up. Maybe it could have a couple of people along the way willing to take a little extra out of it in the event it is getting to heavy.
A thought for this one: Instead of a set order, have two lists. One for people who have a lot to get rid of, and one for people who either don’t have a lot to get rid of, or who just want to try a lot. And instead of it being sent automatically to the next person, we’d converse about it.
i.e. John gets the box, takes what he wants, puts stuff in it or whatever, then posts and says ‘Okay, I took a LOT out of the box. There’s only 4 bags left right now." I could say “Okay ship it to Jim because he has a lot he wants to put in.” Bla bla bla. Would require more micromanaging, but this is a less than typical TTB so I think that’d be the best way to handle it.
Sounds like an interesting way to do it Arsh! I think it could work as long as people make sure to stay active on the thread.
I can be one of the people smack in the middle of the mailing order who will keep a bunch if the box is getting overburdened with tea! I’m most certainly still in the ‘I want to try everything’ camp while not exactly being a newbie :)
The logistics of this could be challenging, but I think it’s a great idea. I’d love to participate if you decide to do it!
This does sound very appealing. I’d be interested in participating depending on the shipping costs.
I don’t normally TRY a lot, but I sure have a lot that I’d put into it. I’d totally be game for this box!
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