[Finished] TTB: TEAlephone - Finished!
Everyone PLEASE send your address to the person above you in the list NOW! There is NO reason to wait! Let’s let this game happen quickly! :)
Arshness sent Foxtrot to madametj
madametj sent African Autumn to carol who
carol who sent African Queen to Cheri
Cheri sent Dutchess’ First Love to kiwiDelight
kiwiDelight sent Jin Jun Mei to albertocanfly
albertocanfly sent Yunnan Golden Peacock to Flyawaybirdie
Flyawaybirdie sent Wellness Blend to TraceyC
TraceyC sent Peach Tranquility to jump63459
jump62359 sent Buddha’s Blend to Mandy
Mandy sent Picnic in the Park Oolong to Arshness
We played a game of TEAlephone that turned Foxtrot into Picnic in the Park Oolong!
Thank you everyone for playing! It was so much fun to see what everything turned into!
So I had an idea for a TTB but with a twist. Instead of several teas for people to try, I was thinking basically the first person sends one tea out and the second person replaces it with another tea and the third person replaces it with another tea. But… each person tries to replace the tea they received with something similar from their collection. It can be similar in any way from the smell to the taste to the appearance, to color, to “it reminds me of”, to “only other herbal I had”, to “name sounds similar to…”. Whatever. Like a game of Telephone with tea. I thought it’d be fun to see what turns into what. Each person would post what they received and then what they sent out.
So in the end we’d watch one tea morph into whatever the final tea was.
What do you guys think? Anyone interested in playing?
If there are 10 people interested in playing, I’ll start it.
You have to answer that you actually want to do it and give me your state. :)
US only if we’re doing this because I am new to this an unprepared to handle international stuff atm.
So… anyone interested?
Also, feel free to just discuss the idea.
Travel Order
1. Arshness – Alabama
2. madametj – Alabama
3. carol who – Illinois
4. Cheri – Michigan
5. kiwiDelight – New York
6. albertocanfly – Washington State
7 Flyawaybirdie – California
8. TraceyC – California
9. jump62359 – California
10. Mandy – Florida
11. Arshness – Alabama
Okay! I will send out a tea tomorrow to madametj and we can see how this goes!
1. When you receive the mailer, take the tea from it and replace it with whatever tea you have that you feel is most similar to the tea you received. It can be similar in any way you want. Include 4 cups worth of tea.*
2. There will be a card in the mailer with a numbered list left blank. Fill in the tea you sent and include it back in the mailer when you send it on. (You will fill in a line = to your order above. So if you are carol who you will fill in the tea you send on line 4.)(Fill it in like this: Username sent tea name by company to nextusername.)
3. Post here with what tea you received. :)
4. Don’t post what tea you sent. Let it surprise the receiver!
5. Taste your tea at your leisure. You can send the package on before you’ve tasted even since it’s just one sample and you’re replacing it for sure. So you can just take the tea, replace it and send it right back off the same or next day if possible! :D
6. Try to keep it moving. We’ll all understand if a situation arises that is more important, but if you can, please try to get it in the mail within a couple days.
7. You must pay for shipping. It should be cheap with the order going by distance and it being just one little sample mailer.
8. Do please package your tea well so it doesn’t leak and so it’s safe to travel in a mailer. I’m sure everyone knows how to do this. It’s fine to reuse the mailer it’s sent in. Just use a new label over the address areas. Recycling is good for the environment. If the mailer is damaged, it may need replacing, but otherwise, just send it on!
9. Please write the amount of tea to use per cup, temperature and steep time on the package or on a slip of paper included or something. :) Not all of us have every kind of tea’s brew temp and steep time memorized yet! :D
10. You must purchase a Tracking Number and message it to the person you are sending it to and to me. I have been told that if you go priority mail you should get a tracking number for free. Not sure if this is cheaper or what, but if we all go with 3 day-ish shipping this will move along faster. Since it’s a light package that may be reasonable.
11. Follow me and the persons before and after you so you can keep track of the comings and goings of your package. :) Keep this thread subbed too please!
Have fun! I hope I haven’t forgotten anything and thank you guys for playing my game idea. ^^
Mandy suggested this. If you really want to send TeaA but you only have 2 teaspoons, send TeaA and mark it down as the tea you sent on your list and just include a secondary TeaB with enough to make up the difference of 4 cups so you are sending the next person the same amount of tea as you’re receiving. TeaB can be similar too for fun, or not similar if you don’t have another appropriate one. Anyway, this should be a rare occurrence I imagine, but just in case, you know how to handle it!I’ll be glad to play! :) Can we keep a list in there to see the changes, as in Spiced Plum to Almond Plum Perfection to Nutty Almond Cream?
Carol Who IL
I’m in, Alabama. We’ll be using an actual box for this, or just an mailer envelope since it’s one tea?
What an innovative take on this! I’m up for it! I agree with adding a list to see it slowly morph.
I think actually people should post the tea they get, not the tea they’re sending out.
Interesting! I like, and sounds like it’ll be quick to travel too. I’m in Florida by the way!
Yes, I said tea received, then tea sent on each step of the journey. :)
And since it’s just one cup, can pretty much move it right along.
And I see no reason not to keep it a mailer since we don’t need to send a large tea.
:) Glad some interest exists. I admit I was kinda excited about this idea. ^^ Okay I’ll update with a list to get us started.
Yes, I’m in Washington State! Sorry, forgot that people in DC call themselves Washington, too!
kiwiDelight what state are you in?
By the way, I figure a moderate sample size would be fine. Enough for about 4 cups sound good to everyone? Everyone gets to try something and it’s just a fun, easy, repeatable game. :)
Also, I’d say feel free to peek at the next person’s cupboard to see if you can send something they don’t have as your “similar” thing for bonus points ;) Not that we’re keeping a score just sayin.
Ok so say we get a tea that we have the perfect similar tea to include, but we only have 2 teaspoons. Can we say, add another tea that’s similar, to make 4 servings. Like send two samples equal to 4 servings?
Sure! That sounds like a good rule of thumb. Next person will just do similar based on one or both teas and include a single sample if they can, or do the same thing if they can’t. :)
Not saying that’s the wrong way or a bad way to do it, but if the theme is starting with one tea and ending with one tea telephone style, it may get confusing if there are multiple teas in the package. We’d have to decide which tea to piggyback off of next and how many teas the person could keep.
I am putting a list in with it to include so we can know for sure which is the “game” tea. Just in case that happens. It shouldn’t be likely tho :)
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