CLOSED: Caffeine-Free/Decaf Traveling Tea Box (US only) January 2014
I’m thinking if I do this again I might make it all herbal (no decaf stuff) do you guys think anyone would join that?
I would love to be in on an herbal one, if you are accepting new participants. :) I am new to Steepster, and sad that I missed out on the decaf round…it’s all my husband can drink! These boxes look like fun!
I’ve been watching this tea box’s progress, and LOVE this idea! I have been trying to find a bigger variety of herbals since that’s mostly all I drink at home after work and have very few. I love seeing all the teas you guys are passing around!
Sign ups are open here :) :
And the teabox has arrived!
Oh my gosh, its so much! Glad to see the notebook is still along for the ride. I also notice a few things from the original box are still there :P
Hi! Sorry, I was a bit preoccupied today so I didn’t get a chance to ship it out. Promise it’ll be out tomorrow! :)
GOOD HEAVENS I think there’s more tea in this box than I have in my cupboard O_O
It arrived!?!? Awesome! Someone changed it to an amazon prime box (roughly the size of the larger flat rate box), so I just continued to use that. I believe shipping for me was ~$9. So it was actually cheaper than a flat rate box.
Awesome, I’ll have to remember that for next time. Tea isn’t too heavy after all :P
And it was New York to New York so its nice that I got there so fast. I tried to plan close shipping distances :)
I’m going to try the tulsi tonight. I hope I like it – I’ve never felt bad for a tea before…
PLOT TWIST: I like the tulsi! It smells weirdly spicy but tastes sweet. How much of it can I keep? I wonder if anyone next would be willing to give it a chance.
Please, for the love of all that is good, keep the whole thing. There’s only one more person on the list and the chances are slim. I’m giving you my blessing to not even have to replace it. Just keep it! lol
I’m planning on sending the package out this early afternoon. I think I’m the first person to add less than take, but there’s still a lot of tea in there. Hoo boy.
What I took:
Simple Loose Leaf’s Peppermint Herbal packet
Simple Loose Leaf’s Raspberry Herbal packet (1)
Mother’s Little Helper 25g
Harney & Son’s Lemon Verbena (2 tea bags)
Persimmon Tea Tree – Chocolate Banana
What I added:
Fig Rose (enough for 1 or 2 cups)
Tea Xotics’ Ginger Monkey (enough for 2 or 3 cups)
Numi’s Fennel Spice (6 tea bags)
Trader Joe’s Well Rested Herbal Tea (2 tea bags)
Red rosebuds and petals – ~.5oz
I’ll check in about weight later.
Haha I forgot to type that :)
EDIT The weight came out to 4lbs 7.2oz.
I realize that not everyone is still subscribed to this thread, but if you are and you had a good experience with this swap, please vouch for the person above and below you on the list here :):
The box just arrived. WOW. I can’t believe how many different types of decaf tea there are. I’ll be drinking a lot of tea this weekend!
Interesting. I prefer herbal myself, so don’t feel like you have to save any decaf stuff in there just for me :P
I usually use the travelling tea boxes as a tea-tasting rather than a swap, so I probably won’t take very much tea. I’ll sample 20 or 30 teas, then add enough to make up the weight. At most I’ll take some of a few teas.
I didn’t count, but my guess would be about 70 or 80. Same thing happened with the box I started. I went with about 30 teas, most of which had one to two ounces, but most people added smaller amounts of many different teas, and seldom took all of a particular type.
Look at this thread: Dignitea and Jeweled thumb added 27 types between them. I currently plan to remove two types and will probably add about 5 or 6. Since I’m sampling so many teas, the weight will work out about even. That’s how the variety grows.
I wish I had gotten in on this one.
I mailed the box this morning. Delivery scheduled for Friday. I PM’d the tracking number to madametj.
I added Upton decaf Vanilla, Upton decaf China green, EnjoyingTea Provence Rooibos, Upton Lemon Grass, and Teavana Winterberry. I took Republic of Tea decaf Blackberry Sage, Tealux Orange Lemonade, and Lupicia Decaf Carol.
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