ashmanra said

Tea shops in Marseille

Does anyone have any recommendations for tea shops in Marseille? No, I am not going, but Superanna and Youngest are and I have been invited to make a list of teas!


12 Replies
ashmanra said

There is a Kusmi and a Dammann Freres nearby, so please also share your favorite Dammann Freres teas!

Arby said

From Dammann Freres I really like Oolong Caramel au Beurre Salé, Noël à Paris, Miss Dammann, and 4 Fruits Rouges

ashmanra said

I have had all but Four Fruits, and I was eyeing that one as a possible tea for the list! I love Four Fruits jam. Thank you for confirming that it needs to be on the list!

Jardin Bleu!

ashmanra said

Martin – I actually have some Jardin Bleu on shelf I think! That is a good one!

Kaylee said

Also love Jardin Bleu! Others that I have enjoyed from Dammann: Cereal Lover Framboise, Banana Pancake, Tisane de Noël, and Thé des Sages.

ashmanra said

I might add Thé des Sages to the wishlist. It sounds interesting! I didn’t see the others listed for the Marseille shop but they may have them. I do want more Coquelicot Gourmand, too.

I second Miss Dammann! Also love their Noel en Pekin, Noel a Venise, and many others. Hard to go wrong really!

ashmanra said

I finished off my first Miss Dammann not long ago. It really is a good one! I have quite a few of the Noel teas but it was so very long ago that I don’t remember which. Easy enough to look up my tasting notes, though!

Noel a Pekin is also a passion fruit tea (like Miss Dammann) so maybe wouldn’t make sense to get both ha ha. But they do passion fruit so well! The Kiwi Fukuyu is also scrumptious but on the pricier side, and Lassi Mango is tasty for a dessertier tea!

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I have never been to Marseille, nor France itself; but quick googling brought me following results among others: Cave a Thes — looks great and quality teas (also flavoured, catalogue on their website), Palais des Thes is famous company too (haven’t got many teas from them though), Teavora have some interesting blends :)

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ashmanra said

I need to look at Cave a Thes! I have never heard of them and it is fun to try new places and new flavors!

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