Alvin's of San Francisco is what?? (Seeking replacement for Pearsian Choice Earl Grey)

Hi All, My family has drunk Alvin’s teas and coffees since he opened on Irving St. in SF. Four generations have become addicts, especially of their Persian Choice Earl Grey. I’ve joined steepster because you clearly agree with our family about the quality of this superb blend. But now it’s gone. Can anyone who knows the tea recommend a (sob) replacement? Alvin’s was Armenian, so I don’t know if there was something culturally particular to his blend, or whether he was just a transcendent genius. Right now we’re using Do Ghazal, which is solid. We’ve tried stash double bergamot, but the tea just isn’t the same quality. Please help!

3 Replies
Leafhopper said

I don’t have any suggestions for you, but if it’s a small business, you might be able to get in touch with the owner via social media. Maybe he has extra stock he could sell you or would be willing to tell you his source. It’s sad when a long-standing vendor goes out of business.

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derk said

Yup, and here’s the link to new site

I’ve had both the Alvins’s and Persian Royal Tea brands and am happy to report the tea tastes exactly the same despite the change.

It should still be available at a few places in the city and I personally bought the rebranded tea at Jasmine Market in San Rafael last year.

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