Hmmm, I could have sworn I wrote a tasting note about my first session with this tea. But it’s not on the page. My earlier sessions of it were light and floral, without much roasting. This one was different, but maybe I’m remembering wrong? It’s hard to say now.
Sipdown, 117. Hmmmm. This one is way more roasty than the previous two packages I had of this. Miss-packaged, perhaps? However, I can’t complain because this cup is DELICIOUS. Wow, yum. It is sweet and almost bready. Reminds me a bit of a slightly sweet challah. Could this actually be the Moderately-Roasted Dong Ding that I loved so much just the other day in cold brew? Maybe I am falling in love with lightly roasted oolongs, haha.
Mmm, challah. Nice description.