So I got this in a swap aaaages ago from darby, I believe. Thanks for the swap, and sorry it took me so long to get around to it. I probably should have been drinking it before, because now I am losing my taste for teas like this. This is definitely sourced from TeaGschwendner, and I haven’t had the best success with their base teas, which is part of the reason I have put off trying it for so long. Also I think I got it around the time when I was starting to have a harder time with nut teas.
I will say, I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. It probably has lost some flavor and potency over time, but it’s still marzipanny. It’s not bitter, but it’s also kind of boring. There is maybe a hint of something off about it, perhaps the nuts in the blend. I am finding that I dislike actual nuts in my tea, and although I love nut flavoring, real nuts give off some kind of something when steeped that doesn’t sit right with me.
I will probably take this home and drink it strong with milk and sugar. Perhaps I can coax more flavor out of it that way.
Strong with milk and sugar is how I really enjoy it.