Lazy, so copying my post from the pu-erh of the day thread, with a few modifications.
Still early into it (ended up not brewing it out). I can’t smell anything right now, so no idea about aroma. Full sweet flavor and body, oily, cooling in throat, brassy metallic, plenty of green bitterness like dandelion greens, some astringency and huigan, Not picking up an aftertaste. It reminds me of the 2018 Flapjacks raw mixed with a drop of strawberry preserves. Fairly smooth, eye-opening caffeination.
I’ve never tried to purchase this cake since I don’t tend to hop on hype sales. From what I know, this goes for a low price and it’s probably worth it for those that like an initial hit of syrupy sweentness with subsequent bitter brews. So thanks, Togo, for providing me the opportunity to try one of the Snoozefest pressings :)
Flavors: Apricot, Astringent, Bitter, Butter, Dandelion, Flowers, Grass, Green Beans, Herbs, Honey, Jam, Metallic, Mushrooms, Nutty, Pancake Syrup, Stonefruit, Strawberry, Sweet