Following 8 Tea Drinkers

Josh Buteau 30 followers

Just a normal guy that gave up the normal daily coffee for a healthier, more ...

Nichole/CuppaGeek 330 followers

I’m back and hopefully for good! After a bit of a hiatus, I want to get back ...

Ellyn 224 followers

I like all kinds of tea and am open to new things. I am learning about all ki...

Stephanie 309 followers

Graphic artist, printmaker, lover of tea. I love pretty much every type of te...

TheLastDodo 158 followers

I dream in tea. My name is Maddi. I like to take boiling hot showers and medi...

Jason 623 followers

UPDATE: As of 2020, we have sold Steepster to Adagio Teas. Going forward, we ...

Kittenna 634 followers

I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) ...



New here…
Longtime ‘normal’ non-black tea drinker, but taking it more serious from now on. And ready to try about anything… ;-D

Lacto-ovo veggie. No fish, no meat. Since I was young…


Den Haag NL

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