I received a tin of this tea while suffering from a pretty painful migraine. I was worried that the rosiness would exacerbate my symptoms (as perfumed things tend to do) but brewed up a teapot of it anyway! It was so fragrant … my kitty sauntered across the house to inspect the new smell!
The aroma is lovely. Soft, not TOO perfumey, but considerably more sweet rosey in fragrance than Upton’s Rose Congou. The tea is medium-bodied and quite gentle, and the rose oil/petals compliment it well. Thankfully, the warmth and smoothness of it actually aided in some migraine relief (as well as the caffiene, I assume.)
As a lover of rose teas, this was quite enjoyable. I recommend it to anyone who loves perfumey rose scents & flavors, as well as a sweeter cup of tea. :)