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drank Vanilla Sunrise by Zappyo
16975 tasting notes

Cold Brew!

This was the first time I’ve drank this tea and really felt like it was a vanilla tea first and foremost instead of an orange tea with vanilla. I’m not sure what I did differently in my prep to cause that shift in flavour, but I liked it a lot. The orange note was still present but it was a much softer backdrop to a silky smooth French Vanilla flavour that was as delicious as it was out of nowhere. So, like, a lot.

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drank Vanilla Sunrise by Zappyo
16975 tasting notes

Sorta feel like this blend needs a new name because, while it does taste creamy, I’d absolutely describe it as an orange tea first and foremost. That said, this was sort of like a Creamsicle meeting some really pleasantly smooth green mate. Fresh and rich and bright all in one steeped up mug. Yummy!

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drank Vanilla Sunrise by Zappyo
16975 tasting notes

Thank you to Zappyo for gifting this tea for me to review!

Truth be told, I would have ordered all of the flavours regardless – it’s so rare to see a company carrying so many fun and pretty unique sounding yerba mate blends that I would have been too curious not to. Watching Jann’s interview would have DEFINITELY pushed me even further over that edge. However, I’ll happily take free tea that I would have purchased regardless.

Jann’s Interview:

This and Pina Elektra were the two blends I was most curious about, but honestly all of them sounded really good. I was thrilled to see this in the package of two teas that I received from the company. Steeped up this was fresh & lively maté, bright orange, a hint of creamy vanilla and just a pinch of hibiscus – like the maté equivalent of a Creamsicle! Like I said above, over the last few years it’s become increasingly hard to find unique and fun yerba mate flavours to explore, which is why I was excited for Zappyo’s launch. Really looking forward to exploring the rest of their line up, and crossing my fingers for some fun roasted maté flavours in the future!

…and, admittedly, I did end up ordering a bag of each of their remaining teas after trying this one. So the free tea worked its magic at least on me!


Song Pairing:

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