Wuyi Origin

Recent Tasting Notes

drank Dong Fang Hong by Wuyi Origin
454 tasting notes

This Dancong from 2023 was about $1 per gram, though it was slightly cheaper for me since I bought it during a Black Friday sale. Dong Fang Hong seems to be a pricier Dancong type for some reason, possibly due to scarcity. I steeped 6 g of leaf in 120 ml of 195F water for 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, and 240 seconds, plus some long, uncounted steeps.

The dry aroma is of charcoal, roast, oakwood, incense, honey, and citrus. The first steep has notes of oakwood, charcoal, roasted nuts, butter, and minerals. The tea is fairly drying. The next steep adds honey, orange peel, and incense, and the freshly cut wood smell is very noticeable. I get a kiwi and honeydew aftertaste that lasts for minutes. Steeps three and four add almond, honeydew, minerals, orchids, and other unidentifiable florals. In the next four steeps, the roasted almond, oakwood, honey, and minerals take over, with slight honeydew and orange in the aftertaste. The tea is developing a silky texture and there’s no real bitterness, just the roast and minerality. The next few steeps are very similar. The only thing of note is the lush honeydew aftertaste, which lasts for minutes after I drink the tea. The final steeps emphasize roasted almonds, minerals, tannins, wood, charcoal, and faint honeydew in the aftertaste.

This Dancong was a lot more enjoyable than I expected, even though the roast is more prominent than in the Baiye. The honeydew aftertaste is lovely, and the tea never gets too bitter. I even like the pronounced notes of freshly cut oak that I get near the beginning of the session. It’s amazing how much this tea has developed after just over a year of aging.

Flavors: Almond, Butter, Charcoal, Citrus, Drying, Floral, Honey, Honeydew, Incense, Kiwi, Mineral, Oak, Orange, Orange Zest, Orchid, Roast Nuts, Roasted, Silky, Tannic, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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I bought several Dancongs from Wuyi Origin in 2023 and have been trying them sporadically ever since, hoping the roast would fade and the underlying flavours would emerge. Based on the dry aroma, I’m not sure that waiting has been successful for this Dancong or for most of the others. I steeped 6 g of leaf in 120 ml of 195F water for 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 240 seconds, plus some long, uncounted steeps.

The dry aroma is of charcoal, roast, hay, wood, orange, peach, and flowers. The first steep has notes of charcoal, roast, hay, wood, cream, orange, and peach. The peach is actually a little more noticeable than it was last time, including in the aftertaste, though the roast predominates. The next steep adds honey, orchid, minerals, and a bit more peach. With steeps three to six, I get more charcoal and roast, although there’s still a peachy aftertaste. By steep seven, I taste more florals and citrus, with mineral, roast, and wood. Subsequent steeps are quite roasty and tannic but with notes of hay, wood, peach, orange, orchid, violet, and grass. The final steeps fade into hay, roast, wood, minerals, tannins, and vague peach.

I may have spoken too soon when I said the roast on this tea wouldn’t fade. I definitely taste more peach and orange than the last time I tried it, though the roast is still prominent. I think this is a solid, high-quality Dancong that’s still too roasted for my liking.

Flavors: Charcoal, Cream, Floral, Grass, Hay, Honey, Mineral, Orange, Orchid, Peach, Roasted, Tannic, Violet, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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Gongfu Sipdown (2738)!

I love how mineral-rich and roasty this tea tasted. That very iconic flavour of “licking a rock” was probably the boldest and more forward flavour of this session but it was supported by heavy notes of char, dark roast coffee, barley, and toasted walnuts and pecans, with a pleasantly light astringency that made me think a lot of eating walnuts straight from the shell around the holidays. Y’know, Nutcracker vibes. Very smooth in the finish, with a lingering dance of spice on the back of the palate.

Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/DE3PJa6S46x/?img_index=1

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqBYZZhOJF4&ab_channel=TheHowl%26TheHum-Topic

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I’m surprised Steepster doesn’t have an entry for this tea, though there are a few entries for lapsang souchong that could be referring to this one. I’ve been buying it from Wuyi Origin for at least two years, and prior to that, I received a sample from Trident Booksellers and Cafe, which resells a few of Wuyi Origin’s products. I even found what I hope was a tea seed in my last 50 g pouch! I steeped 6 g of leaf in 120 ml of 195F water for 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, and 240 seconds, plus some long, uncounted steeps.

The dry aroma is of bread, malt, honey, lemon, orchid, violet, hay, and wood. The first steep has notes of bread, malt, honey, lemon, orange, orchid, violet, other florals, minerals, and tannins. The tea is on the breadier, maltier side and the florals are less pronounced than in previous harvests. Steep two adds rose, molasses, forest floor, and more wafts of citrus. More florals, including violet and jasmine, appear in the next couple steeps, though the tannins and malt also increase. Steeps five to eight are nicely floral and lemony, with the jasmine remaining prominent. Subsequent steeps are still faintly floral, but there’s more malt, hay, wood, and tannins. The last couple steeps are woody, earthy, mineral, and tannic.

This is one of my favourite black teas from Wuyi Origin, coming second only to their Wild Lapsang. It has great longevity, little bitterness, and wonderfully balanced florality. Thank you, Daylon, for introducing me to this tea so many years ago.

Flavors: Bread, Citrus, Floral, Forest Floor, Hay, Honey, Jasmine, Lemon, Malt, Mineral, Molasses, Orange, Orchid, Rose, Tannic, Violet, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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A very nice Dancong from WO! Will have to try their other Dancongs now. This one is pretty complex and very well-balanced.

No bitterness, astringency, sweetness. Very wet and fairly thin mouthfeel. Longevity is ~8 infusions.

Harvest: April 10, 2024
Location: Caodun Village, Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City
Roast: Medium-light (x2)

Flavors: Floral, Grapefruit, Mineral, Orchid, Stonefruit, Wet Rocks

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NOW, THIS, I GET! After trying lots of different yancha to find one I might like, I have finally landed on a winner. I was starting to think there was no hope left.

This one is not a Qi Dan, so not truly a Da Hong Pao. They blended Shui Xian, Rou Gui, Jin Mu Dan, Mei Zhan, and Chun Lan to make this blend. Truly amazing that they could blend this to be so balanced and flavorful.

Mild bitterness, mild sweetness. No astringency. Very thick mouthfeel with long aftertaste. Lasts 8+ infusions. 4 g/60 mL water at 205 F.

This is a perfect fall/early winter tea IMO. I will definitely be buying more from Wuyi Origin. And this was just the free sample they sent! The price is also very reasonable at $0.46/g. At least from my limited experience thus far, WO > OWT for yancha.

Harvest: Spring, 2023, blended and re-roasted in 2024
Roast: Medium x 3

Flavors: Cacao, Coffee, Leather, Roasty, Smoke, Toast, Wheat

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Very nice JJM from Wuyi Origin! Think I might like this better than their lapsang. More of a potent flavor.

The aroma is insanely strong of honey. Flavor is definitely not as strong, but still strong enough. Medium sweetness; no bitterness or astringency. Lasts 10+ infusions.

Harvest: April 4, 2024
Cultivar: Fuyun #6
Location: Fen Shui Guang

Flavors: Bread, Brown Sugar, Butterscotch, Fruity, Honey, Malt, Peach, Sweet

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Well this one is actually quite nice for yancha. It’s certainly better than the rou gui from OWT. Hard to tell if that is due to the age, or the company. This one also seemed pretty weak in flavor, though. But it was certainly nice and smooth and calming. I did try this right after the lapsang, so perhaps my palate was just off yesterday. Will reserve final judgment until I can try them both again.

Harvest: May 3, 2023
Cultivar: Rou Gui
Roast: Medium x 3
Location: Qingshiyan Garden, Zhengyan Farm, Wuyi National Garden Park

Flavors: Cinnamon, Spices, Sweet

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My first tea from my first order from WO. Wanted to give it a try for the fall given how well their style of teas pair with fall weather. This was a very nice lapsang and unsmoked. My primary complaint is how subtle the flavor is. If it were just a bit stronger, this would be a winner for me for sure.

Medium-high sweetness. No astringency or bitterness. Lasts 8-10 infusions.

Harvest: April, 2024
Cultivar: Mixed
Location: Tong Mu Guan

Flavors: Apricot, Bread, Cream, Dried Fruit, Smooth, Sugar, Sweet

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Leafhopper 5 months ago

This is one of my favourite teas! Out of curiosity, are there any fruity unsmoked lapsangs you like better?

Marshall Weber 5 months ago

It was definitely nice! I need to try it again to see if my palate was just having a bad day (happens from time to time). If so, then yea I would say this would probably be my favorite lapsang I’ve tried. Otherwise, I really like the one from Verdant Tea.

Leafhopper 5 months ago

I didn’t realize Verdant had an unsmoked lapsang! I really need to try their teas out sometime.

I’m slightly obsessed with fruity unsmoked lapsangs. Favourites include the ones from What-Cha, TheTea, and of course, this Wild Lapsang from Wuyi Origin. The lapsangs from Daxue Jiadao are less fruity but still very nice.

Marshall Weber 5 months ago

Yea they have one here to try: https://verdanttea.com/wild-picked-tongmu-unsmoked-zheng-shan-xiao-zhong-lapsang-souchong-wuyi-black-tea.

I might have to try the one from what cha! Can’t find a site called TheTea. Do you have a link to it?

Also, if you plan on making an order from Verdant, would highly recommend some of their Fei Zi Xiao too :).

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(2023 Harvest) Darker roast. Malty. Honey. Hay. Dried flowers.

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(2023 Harvest) Light roast. So pretty. Lemon verbena. Greenish oolong color.

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This is the other new unsmoked lapsang I bought from Wuyi Origin in my Black Friday order. The name intrigued me, though I honestly couldn’t tell you what a bamboo forest should smell like. I steeped 6 g of leaf in 120 ml of 195F water for 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, and 240 seconds, plus some long, uncounted steeps.

The dry aroma is of honey, sweet potato, wood, florals, and something I’ll call bamboo. The first steep has notes of honey, malt, wood, sweet potato, bamboo, and lemon. The tea is a bit drying. The next steep has more sweet potato, lemon, orange, orchid, honey, bamboo, and tannins, with a squashy citrus feeling and some dryness. Steeps three and four give me ethereal orchid, lilac, and bamboo, plus honey, citrus, sweet potato, and tannins. There’s a lovely honey, floral aftertaste. The next few rounds are floral, a bit lemony, and full of honey, tannins, bamboo, and wood. The final steeps feature honey, malt, earth, minerals, grass, wood, and tannins, though they’re still pleasant enough to drink.

Like all of Wuyi Origin’s lapsangs, this is a high-quality tea that I enjoy. I like the citrus, florals, and that elusive taste of bamboo, though I’m not such a fan of the tannins. It won’t replace their Wild Lapsang in my heart, but that’s a high bar to jump over.

Flavors: Bamboo, Citrus, Drying, Earth, Floral, Grass, Honey, Lemon, Lilac, Malt, Mineral, Orange, Orchid, Squash, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes, Tannin, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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I apparently bought this tea in 2021 when I was exploring Jin Jun Mei. Since then, I’ve decided that unsmoked lapsang is usually fruitier, not to mention a better value, although it’s nice to revisit JJM occasionally. I steeped 6 g of leaf in 120 ml of 195F water for 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, and 240 seconds, plus some long, uncounted steeps.

The dry aroma of this fuzzy Jin Jun Mei is of honey, honeysuckle, sweet potato, malt, and cocoa. The first steep has notes of butter, honeysuckle, sweet potato, honey, and faint malt. The tea is fairly thick and has a sweet, lingering aftertaste. Steep two adds more florality, honey, and starchy sweet potato, with some hints of bread and cocoa. The next couple steeps are very floral, with honeysuckle and something I’ll call violet. There’s lots of sweet potato and honey, though the cocoa has disappeared. The next few steeps offer consistent honey, caramel, bread, sweet potato, malt, and honeysuckle/violet florals, with no bitterness and a very sweet profile. By steep nine or so, the tea fades into something that’s primarily sweet potato, caramel, and faint malt, still without any bitterness or tannins. A few tannins appear near the very end of the session, when the tea is generically bready, malty, and squashy.

This Jin Jun Mei isn’t particularly complex, but the flavours that are present are nice. I particularly like the heady florality and lack of bitterness. As Daylon mentioned, this tea is all about the sweet potato, although I wish there’d been a bit more cocoa as well. This isn’t my favourite tea from Wuyi Origin, but it is representative of the high quality of the hongcha this vendor offers.

Flavors: Bread, Butter, Caramel, Cocoa, Floral, Honey, Honeysuckle, Malt, Squash, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes, Thick, Violet

195 °F / 90 °C 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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drank Mi Lan Xiang by Wuyi Origin
2078 tasting notes

A tea from Leafhopper — Thank you!
Took tihs one, weighted — 6.7 grams = 1 session worth. Was the pouch more full and I took some for western steeping before? I have no idea. Anyway, now it’s gone.

Wet leaf aromas brought me to the orchard with red apples on some rock hill; as it was sweet as red apples but somehow wet rocks and mineral in the same time. A little woody as well, well those are trunks and branches of the trees in the imagined orchard I suppose. Some more tropical notes as the leaves absorbed a bit more of the humidity in closed gaiwan.

From my experience I prepare dancongs with rapid first steeps, with prolonged ones later in the session.

1st steep — 10 seconds
It’s much higher in the minerality than I thought, distinctive “wet rocks” and wood, some little sweet notes of red fruits and mostly its skins. Partially “pleasantly sour”.

2nd steep — 20 seconds
Previous notes, but stronger. A lot stronger. Viscous and oily, as Togo mentions.

3rd steep — 10 seconds
Still quite mineral but fruit notes are more present noticeable. Sadly, it’s the skins of the apples, not the fruit itself yet. Aroma is lovely though, somehow woody and floral. Spring fruit trees.

4th steep — 20 seconds
Unripe apple flavour with still high minerality. It’s like biting the apple and then licking the stone. Aroma is very same to previous steep. Long mineral mouthfeel.

5th steep — 30 seconds
Finally, fruity notes are here! The minaral aftertaste remains, but sips are pleasant and fine. Also I have noticed some floral notes in this steep in flavour as well.

6st steep — 45 seconds
Drank lukewarm, still full of flavour and very similar to previous steep too. The minerality isn’t that strong anymore and thus it is much milder for stomach as well.

7th steep — 1 minute
Definitely more light wood notes are here, minerality seems to be gone; smooth and mild flavours. Sadly, also apple notes are gone.

8th steep — 2 minutes
Mellow and somehow sweet? Sweet woody taste. Weird, but that’s what I am finding out in this steep. Some astringency in the background.

9th and last — 5 minutes
I ran out of water in my thermos and tea sounds a bit finished based on the previous steep flavours, so I call it done. I don’t recall when I had 9 steeps tea last time; moreover still with flavours!
This steep was again very similar to previous one. A more astringent though, but 5 minutes steep is loooong one.

Butter biscuits were great food pairing. Rating probably is impacted by that I am not really fan of dancongs. They tend to be so mineral or too floral to me. This is no exception.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 g 4 OZ / 125 ML

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Wuyi Origin usually sources their Old Bush Lapsang from Gua Dun, but in 2023, they decided to get some leaves from Ma Su as well. They warned of some bitterness, but I’ve liked their lapsangs so much that I decided to give this one a try. I steeped 6 g of leaf in 120 ml of 195F water for 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, and 240 seconds, plus some long, uncounted steeps.

The dry aroma is of oakwood, maple syrup, honey, florals, and malt. The first steep has notes of bread, sweet potato, lemon, maple syrup, soy sauce, honey, florals, malt, and wood. The next steep adds some minerals and light tannins, and the florals resolve into orchids and violets. Like the regular Old Bush Lapsang, this tea is smooth and has a viscous, silky texture. The next couple steeps seem more like squash than sweet potato, with a sweet, floral quality and very mild wood and tannins. Steeps five and six are still sweet and squashy, I’d say almost like pumpkin. I get minerals in the tea and the aftertaste, and the lemon is less bright. After a few more steeps, the tea does acquire some woody, tannic bitterness, but it’s still balanced by the squashy sweetness. The final steeps feature bread, malt, honey, squash, wood, earth, minerals, and tannins.

This Ma Su Old Bush Lapsang has the promised tannins, but they don’t distract too much from everything else that’s going on and serve to balance the sweetness. I haven’t had their regular OBLS for a while, but this one seems even more squashy and sweet. It also has great longevity. I generally like more florals and fruit in my lapsangs, but this is a very high-quality tea that I’ll miss. The rest of it is going to Daylon and I resisted the urge to buy more during their recent sale (and am regretting it after this last session).

Flavors: Bitter, Bread, Earth, Floral, Honey, Lemon, Malt, Maple Syrup, Mineral, Oak, Orchid, Pumpkin, Smooth, Soy Sauce, Squash, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes, Tannin, Violet, Viscous, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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(2023 harvest) Extremely subtle, almost clear in the cup.

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drank Mei Zhan by Wuyi Origin
147 tasting notes

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(2023 harvest) Peach schnapps! Almost saccharine but pretty fun.

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(2023 harvest) Heavenly. Floral, filled with vivid chocolate and malt notes. Really one of the top black teas I’ve ever tried. So warming and elegant.

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(2023 harvest) An earthy, less overtly floral and green rendition of Ya Shi. Maybe slightly less exuberant, but compensates with its own subtle complexity.

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(2023 harvest) Some cocoa on the nose. A bit of a smokey, mesquite barbecue note, especially in further steeps. Some lactofermented, briney notes. Not quite the hi definition of the other WO teas, but very good overall.

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(2023 harvest) Chocolate, toasted coconut! High toned confectionary perfume. So creamy and delicious. Palate deepens with notes of cinammon, salted caramel, butterscotch, and Hershey’s kisses. Real perception of sweetness while this also has a little lactic, sour note. And there’s a wild, slightly herbal, thrilling, satisfyingly brisk streak through the palate. Very well integrated. In thrall to WO teas.

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