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drank Cranberry Autumn by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

Zombie writing here. Just wanted to get this down before autopilot sends me to bed.
Man this was tasty!! I love cranberry flavoured things so yah I predictably love this tea as well :D
At first I wasn’t getting much flavour but after a few sips, the cumulative build up created a lasting note that was very much bittersweet cranberry. Delicious!
Then I tried adding a little sugar (a little too much for my liking, accidentally) and oh man the cranberry burst open. Boo yah. I think I’ll buy some for the house, eventually. When (not if!) I ever sip down a bunch of my stash. bahahaaaa
Raritea, we need to go back there soon!

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
6107 tasting notes

Sipdown! On the other hand, I brewed this tea up strongly too, and there’s no medicinal flavour. I think it may have lost some flavour sitting around for a while, but I’m actually rather enjoying my cup of it. Sweet and creamy… I kind of wish I had some more to drink right now. I think part of the key here is not to underleaf.

Anyhow, thanks for letting me try this one, Indigobloom :D

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
6107 tasting notes

Finally getting to this one, thanks Indigobloom!

The aroma to me is a fairly standard sweet rooibos aroma. I can’t place exactly which tea it reminds me of, but perhaps it’s a creme caramel rooibos, or some truffle one. I really don’t recall. Flavourwise, there’s also a sort of familiarity. I think it’s nougat, that I’m picking up. Not toblerone, as I can’t taste any chocolate here, but kind of a tangy sort of nougat. It seems to be growing on me as I sip more of the tea…

This one’s definitely a different rooibos blend, and quite palatable given the tame version of rooibos found here, but I have to admit that it’s not my favourite, and probably not a blend I’d seek out again. However, I very much appreciate the chance to try it out, so thanks Indigobloom!

ETA: Second infusion is kind of like sweet-ish water. Not bad, but nothing too special.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
15257 tasting notes


So maybe from here on out I can remember that IndigoBloom has provided me with a sample of this. I quite enjoy this one – it does remind me a little of a toblerone but more in the way of the nougat than the chocolate. I’d consider picking this up sometime in the future as a dessert tea to have around.


yay for toblerone! :D

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
15257 tasting notes

So the funny thing about having had a lot of samples…some times you forget you’ve tried a tea until you’ve gotten a sample from someone and go to log it. haha. Picked this up from indigobloom and it wasn’t until tonight that I realised i’d already tried it. Still, it was delicious then and is still delicious now!


LOL I’ve done that a few times :P

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
15257 tasting notes

mmm this IS a delicious tea! I, like Indigobloom, am not a huge fan of vanilla. This however, is a wonderful blend of creamy goodness. I can see where some would say that it tastes like toblerone. This is for sure a tea i’d keep in my cupboard for when i’m craving a creamy delicious bit of wonder. Also, what’s wodnerful is that I can buy it here in toronto! mmmm thank you indigobloom!

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 15 sec

hehehe ones of my faves!! I’ve been meaning to try it out iced as well.

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
807 tasting notes

Thank you Indigobloom for making it possible for so many of us to enjoy this delicious tea! It is so yummy! I had it awhile back but was not feeling well so I could not give it a fair review.
It does taste like Toblerone candy which is one of my most favorite chocolates!
Interestingly the more it cooled the yummier it was so I am going to make more tomorrow and let it chill in the fridge and see how I like it!
VERY good hot!


OH! That’s a good idea!


oh yay, I am so glad you like it!! phew! I was a little worried that everyone trusted my taste buds so much haha

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drank Midsummer Peach (Decaf) by Tsaa
212 tasting notes

This was another sample from Indigobloom. Thanks again!

So this is a pretty juicy peach tea. It is a bit strange because I’d swear there is banana in there as well. The base seems to be smooth and malty despite my steeping parameters which were wrong according to the vendor’s site. I do believe that was a run on sentence. Yay go me! Any who thanks for the sample Indigbloom. I enjoyed it.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

banana! hmm mine is at work, I’ll have to investigate lol

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
212 tasting notes

This is a really good desert tea. Rooibos and nougat with a bit of vanilla. The dry leave does have cute little nougat bits to dissolve away while infusing. It’s quite balanced as far as flavoring versus the base. No competition here just a very nice melding of lovely flavor. And the biggest bonus is, it doesn’t really need sweetner! A little doesn’t hurt it but it’s fine naked.

Thanks Indigobloom for making it possible to have this one in my cupboard. You are really quite an awesome!

Boiling 8 min or more

OMG I am SO relieved my instincts about this one were right!! I was getting worried that maybe it was just me who found this one to be so incredibly tasty… ha! yay!!! :)

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drank Midsummer Peach (Decaf) by Tsaa
2816 tasting notes

Thanks so much to Indigobloom for this sample!

I don’t have too many decaf teas but I’m thinking I need to reassess that strategy because there are days when I drink waaay too much! Even as I say that, I cannot stop yawning for some reason…

This was steeped in my infuser mug for about 4 minutes. The aroma of the tea is definitely peachy! :) The black tea base of this is nice, I’m thinking perhaps it’s a Ceylon? I found the peach flavor to be a tiny bit thin and I really prefer my peaches to be sweet and juicy! I added a touch of turbinado sugar and that helped the flavor along. I bet this would be really good iced. An enjoyable tea – thanks again for the sample IB!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I tend to sway towards the lighter side of tea… except for maybe in a straight black. So glad you like it Amy!! :)

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drank Belgian Hazelnut by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

Hmmm. So this was good!! great even! I really enjoyed it, though not as much as Sweet Temptation.
It has the same sort of pudding base, but not as creamy or deep. Odd, I figured I’d prefer the chocolate version. (though ST is much more fragrant).
I added some agave and a touch of milk, but the milk really made no difference. Also strange!!
Not that I get much chocolate. A little, but not as much as I had hoped for.
Ahhhh, so as yummy as this is, I’m missing my ST! tomorrow night, I will have a cup to compare…. and am looking forward to it so very much!
Anyhow, BIG thanks to Tsaa for the free sample!!


Wait, so Thé Kiosque is Tsaa??


oh mannnn see, that is how tired I was last night. Not sure how Kiosque ended up in there… oi :/


So much less confused now :D

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drank Midsummer Peach (Decaf) by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

Oh myyyyy!! Peaches for me! oh yes!!
I’ve been hunting for a great peach tea, heck a great fruit tea for ages now, and I finally found one! Wow. Too bad it was only a to go cup. This place has me coming back for more and more… I am officially in lust with this place!
I love that it’s a family run business, and that they are SO committed to great customer service. Seriously, I cannot sing higher praises.
Now the tea… well it might be a bit too much for some. It reminds me of that peach drink you get at Tim Hortons. Do they still have that? I haven’t looked in years.
Anyhow, it’s a black tea/peach juice hybrid, and the notes are balanced perfectly (for me). With just a few drops of agave, I was in absolute heaven. Heaven I tell ya!
The shop girl tells me that it’s amaaaazing iced, so first chance I get you can bet I’m hitting this place up again sighs
Oh and did I mention it’s decaf? I don’t mind either way, it’s THAT good… but I like that I can drink as much as I want and not get jitters.


Is this the same thing as Harney and Sons Midsummer Peach?


I’m not sure! I’ll ask next time I’m in.


Yippee Skippee…finally you found a happy tea that half way throught the review you didn’t change your mind and choke on and spit out saying blech!


It is ssooo hard to find a good peach tea. ://


Did you get any of the mango tea that I had to try?


Bonnie, have I been doing that?? eeek I didn’t realize!
ScottTeaMan: I know right? atleast I know it exists now, it IS possible :)
Kristaleyn: Unfortunately it was too late at night for caffeine, and I was off to my hockey game (can’t have jitters on the court haha)


Scott: Madame Butterfly is a pretty decent peach green, and I was surprised at how good Plantation Peach from the Charleston Tea Plantation tasted. It smells even better than Harney and Sons Midsummer Peach to me, though I think both probably taste equally good.


Mmmm I so wanna order some of the Harney version just to compare. or maybe the Charleston :P


Indigo: I have both, send me an addy!

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drank Yogurt Strawberry by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

Sipdown!! I could really use more of those. This one does not age well. I got hardly any flavour considering that I used nearly double what I normally do.
Also, I know I logged this one in my cupboard because it was during a steepster outage and I had to come back for that, and I nearly spilled my tea when the page finally refreshed. I remember that because Dad commented that I didn’t want yogurt on my keyboard (he thought that was so funny!).
Anyhow, how is it that it isn’t inventoried? hmmm?!


sounds decent, though it appears as though a few teas from tsaa don’t age well..


Sad but true. Alot of their stuff is organic, so there is less there to preserve it. Plus, most of them I didn’t have a tin for. I really need some tins heh


Oh no! I better drink mine too :(


good idea. I found it was a teeny bit plastic like, more than it was before!

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drank Yogurt Strawberry by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

Yay!! an honest to goodness hit!
I was determined to try randoms until I found one that tickled my picky palate and this is where I ended up. Phew! what a trip…
Now the tea itself is unique to be sure. The yogurt is strong, much stronger than any of the other yogi-teas I’ve tried… and I like it! reminds me of the dried yogurt you get on raisins or peanuts. It’s very fragrant as well. The strawberry is rather mild but hanging around in the back. I don’t mind, as I’m willing to sacrifice that aspect in the interest of yogurt. Mmmmm.
As for soap, as is mentioned in Kristaleyn’s review… I don’t notice any when the cup is piping, but it gets a little abrasive when cool and I think that might be where you get the soap-ness from!


Yeah, I’ll have to try it again and see if I can get the taste to be non-soapy. It was good otherwise! Funny thing though – I left the teaball sitting overnight in a bowl, and in the morning when I went to dump it, there was a little pool of literally sticky jam underneath it. So much fruity goodness in this tea :)


I know you don’t like to drink the cup til it cools somewhat. Maybe try a little sip when it’s hotter, with spoon? (I find that moderates the temp)
Jam!! I think I’ll have some on toast… haha :P


I’ll try that. I tried it under suboptimal conditions the first time around, what with being in a travel mug and having to leave the teaball in forever and whatnot. It was in there for over 2 hours, likely. Probably will try it again soon!


oh dear, yes I can see how two hrs would be problematic! fingers crossed for your next cuppa :)

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drank Yogurt Strawberry by Tsaa
6107 tasting notes

Sipdown! Yep, gotta agree with Indigobloom – this one lost some flavour. Although… it has been nearly a year (omg… it does not feel like that far away at ALL). Anyways, this tastes much like slightly tart strawberry jam. I think the yogurtty creaminess is tempering the tartness a bit, which is good. Overall, I really don’t think this one’s too bad of a herbal! Probably the most authentically strawberry-flavoured herbal I’ve tried.

ETA: Yum, got a good second infusion from this one… though it was about 1/4 of the initial water volume. Tart and raisiny, with vague fruitiness were the identifiable flavours – I’m too lazy to check, but if this blend contains hibiscus, then it’s actually done well, as the tartness was perfect. I suspect, though, that something else may have been the tartness contributor. Just didn’t make me think hibiscus (and no purple colour).

Boiling 8 min or more

Definitely very true to strawberry form. I’d consider repurchasing one day. And has it really been a year?! wow


I don’t recall when exactly we first met up, but I feel like it was March/April/May or so.


Yeah that sounds about right. I remember it wasn’t freezing out anymore, so definitely in the spring

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drank Yogurt Strawberry by Tsaa
6107 tasting notes

Trying this one again! It smells a lot like strawberry jam to me, which I said last time.

Yum, way better this time! No soapy flavour. Light tangy sweet strawberry jam. A bit too light on the flavour, so maybe I’ll use more tea next time.

ETA: Also, does not re-steep well.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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drank Yogurt Strawberry by Tsaa
6107 tasting notes

Will have to re-review this one more later, but it’s definitely a “juice” tea! Yum.

It smells tasty and fruity, and tastes similarly. In particular, it tastes like strawberry jam. To be even more specific, it tasted like President’s Choice Twice The Fruit Strawberry Jam. Haha :P Which I do quite like.

The only funny part was that I was tasting a soapiness in the tea. Now, I won’t blame the tea until I’ve tried it in a different mug – my travel mug (non-Timolino) is plastic and sometimes a bit funny tasting. So I’m really hoping this is a one-time thing, because I did enjoy it otherwise!

Boiling 8 min or more

ahhh! I totally forgot to log mine. Will have to do that tomorrow, as I will be getting home super late today :/

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

I came back to this one after a long hiatus from rooibos. Well, herbal in general. I don’t know why but it just didn’t appeal to me. Hmmm.
So my cuppa was amazing. Just as good as I remember, after all this time :P

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

Having a cuppa this now and it is still oh soooo good. I’m still on the hunt for a good chocolate rooibos equivalent but they all seem to fall flat somehow. I want just a CHOCOLATE tea. Not choco-orange-strawberry-ginger-mint. just cocoa. Please.
Anyhow, I am so sleepy today. Dunno whats gotten into me. Hopefully my matcha will arrive soon to keep me awake. It is all I can think about…
On a side note, what is with all the peach teas going around today?! I swear I think I’ve seen four reviews for peachy black teas all from different companies. I thought about posting mine but since it smelled like paint thinner, and tasted just ok with an awful aftertaste I’m gonna email them and see if the batch was bad.
Bah. It was free tea, so I’m not complaining!


Funny thing about the peach tea, that is almost what I had to go on my way to work today.


Have you tried DT’s Super Chocolate? (I was going to check through your tealog, but you have a lot more notes than me LOL)


I guess its a peachy kind of day! :P


MissyMylin: I thought that was a green tea. is it rooibos? my note says green… hmm now I’m confused lol


It has green and green rooibos. There’s a bit of cinnamon in there so it’s not strictly just chocolate. I can send you a bit from my stash if you want to try it out.


You never give a 100…has to be good


ah boo. I was looking for an herbal so I can drink it up before bed. Thanks so much for the offer though, you’re sweet!!
Bonnie: oh it is, it really is! wish you could try it :(

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drank Sweet Temptation by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

PUDDING!! this tea… it’s heaven. Heaven in a cup. I feel as if I just enhaled a bucket full of mouth watering vanilla pudding! and a fraction of the calories. yeah baby!
Now, I’m not normally a fan of vanilla. In most cases, it’s enough to turn me off a tea! but for whatever reason… in this case, it is amazing. ahhhhhmazing!! The nougat must be laced with a slice of heaven. I tell ya…
Oh and it tastes creamy, oh so very creamy and sweet! without adding anything at all! Nope, I took this one straight up, and it’s still getting this rating from me. My first 100 folks! in 500+ reviews, this is my first perfect score. THAT is how much I love this blend.
This was my to go cup after my meet n swap, but the next time I swing by this shop, I am SO getting a tin. Oh yes, I need five tins! twenty!!!
The other thing that impresses me here is that I was able to leave my bag in and it never got sour or bitter. The guy at the shop mentioned that to me, and at first I was skeptical, but now… well I am a believer!!
Tsaa, how were you around for almost 2 years and I’m just finding you now!?

Dylan Oxford

Clicking on their shipping page does nothing :(


I really must get some of this tea. I’m going to start a tea mafia. I’ll launder enough tea to get this one. You in with me?


Dylan: I know, I saw!! :(
but you email them maybe they can help?
Missy: LOL yes, I am IN!! we should get a code word :P


It’s funny how reviews like this will send us all on a google search (me included). EnablersRUs. Lucky for my budget, rooibos and are aren’t besties. Will await everyone else’s reviews : )


and * I *


Count me in! I’m Bonnie who’s Clyde? (Tea Mafia)


I’m down! Sounds AMAZING!


Cheryl: I hear ya. Rooibos, she’s a tricky one! yes, I am genderizing tea :P
Bonnie: LOL I’ll be Clyde!!!
This here’s Miss Bonnie Parker. I’m Clyde Barrow. We tea shops.
Azzrian: omg, amazing is not a big enough word!!!


Wow, now a huge fan of vanilla teas, but you have me DROOLING over this one!!

Yogini Undefined

Just spoke to them, and they didn;t know the shipping link wasn`t working, so they`re going to update it. When I spoke to the guy on the phone, he said he thought there was a promo for Canadian customers to have free shipping over $50. I asked him what about US customers but he thought they would have to pay regular shipping fees. He really wasn`t too sure what was going on. He suggested checking out their twitter but I told him it hasn`t been updated since December 26 2011 ;) I didn`t see anything on FB either. I told him to check out Steepster and he said he knew about it ;)


So are you saying this is going to be hard to get? Maybe we need to do a bulk buy and then divi it up amongst ourselves?


I think I need this too. Anyone wants to do a bulk buy, drop me a line — I’ll contribute!


oh wow, this is awesome to come home to!!
So I think we are doing a bulk order? I’m fine with organizing it, though I won’t have much time till after my exam on May 5th.
maybe we should start a discussion in the forum before this gets too complicated lol


That is a good idea!


I must admit, I tried a bit of this tea from Indigobloom ‘s cup and although it was good, I didn’t think it was amazing. BUT it did smell delicious, and I was a) overheating and stressed, b) not in a rooibos mood, and c) I tried it before it had probably even steeped for three minutes. Which admittedly is rather short for a rooibos in the first place!

(Sooooooo that being said, if you pick some up Indigobloom , I’ve love if you hung onto a sample size for me to try out myself :D)

Daniel Scott

Wow, okay, I tried getting the Shipping Information page to come up by typing “shipping_information” at the end of the URL, since all of their pages seem to be easily named like that. It sent me back to the home page! I tried a few other variations too, like just “shipping,” and “shipping_info” and got the same thing. Is that ever buggered!


Kristaleyn: but of course!! you’ll be getting a sample to be sure :P
Daniel: They are a startup… I’m willing to forgive them for now! but if they don’t shape up… I will be sad!
Azzrian: :)


Their search function doesn’t work at all either…

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drank White Pear by Tsaa
1759 tasting notes

So today, I met up with a Steepsterite!! what fun! :D
We went to this shop on the Danforth called Tsaa. They’re new in town, maybe 1.5 yrs old but oh man is the place ever cute!! plenty of seating, though it does get pretty busy… and a fireplace! love it!
Tsaa is family owned, so they are super friendly. We chatted for a long time about the different teas. I will definitely be back there soon.
As for the tea, this one was pleasant. Smooth. The pear wasn’t very strong, but it was distinct. The white tea was nice and round, I quite enjoyed how light it was.
Not one I will buy, but very pleasant overall. Oh and now that I am looking back, I wish I had added a pinch of sugar to see where the pear went. Oh well, next time!


Uh, I think someone is doing a mind control on us. You, Krystaleyn and I just did Pear Tea reviews!


Haha, it maaaay have been out of *Indigobloom*’s cup from which I sampled :D

It was like that time that I had three Red Leaf matcha reviews on my dashboard in a row!! All by different people, too! None of which was (surprisingly), aisling of tea!


ah yes, I think there’s some matcha fever going ’round!
Pears must be a spring thing. I know I have it on the brain! :)

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