Sterling Tea

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drank Apricot Oolong by Sterling Tea
191 tasting notes

This tea should be better, i feel. it’s good, but not great. the underlying tea is nice, and the apricot flavor is ok. i had super-high hopes for this tea, and while it’s alright, it is definitely not exciting. perhaps that is a result of the oolong-y-ness. after all, i don’t think i’ve met a black tea flavored with apricot that i didn’t adore (RIP Steepster Summer Apricot Ceylon). I’ll use up this tin, but i wouldn’t re-purchase.

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drank Apricot Oolong by Sterling Tea
46 tasting notes

I found Apricot Oolong to be a pleasant tea but it didn’t knock my socks off. I did however LOVE the smell! Straight out of the bag it had a strong, sweet peachy smell. It really reminded me of the candy fuzzy peaches.

The taste still had some peach flavor but not as much. It had more of a grassy, vegetal taste with a hint of peach afterwards. It also had a smooth taste yet was a little buttery on the lips. Overall still a pleasant tea and I would have it again.

You can read the full review at

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I thought Strawberry Hibiscus was a pretty enjoyable tea but I did find it to be pretty bitter tasting. I needed to add in a little sugar to help with the bitterness. The bitter taste is pretty common among rosehip and hibiscus based teas. It did have a fruity punch to it which I enjoyed. I couldn’t taste much of the orange and wish there was more of it.

It’s called Strawberry Hibiscus but there’s no mention of strawberry or strawberry flavoring in the ingredients. I get that its suppose to mimic the strawberry taste though.

What I really really liked, was the color of the liquor. It was gorgeous! It was a really deep red color. It reminded me of the color of raspberry liqueur or red wine. Watching the color slowly change was nice as well.

You can read more about this tea at

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drank ReVive by Sterling Tea
46 tasting notes

I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked ReVive green tea. I got excited when I saw it had mint in it, but I didn’t want to get too excited about it and get my hopes up. The last time I had a green tea blended with mint it was awful and I couldn’t even finish it. It was THAT bad. I think it was North African Mint by DAVIDsTEA but I may have blocked the name from my memory.

Imagine my delight when it tasted nothing like NAM but instead was this delicious, cool, and refreshing green tea. I LOVED the mint and lemongrass combination.

I was able to taste more green tea and lemongrass then the mint. Based on the initial smell I thought it would have a lot more mint but surprisingly it did not. The taste was mellow and smooth. I could still taste the mint but it was more in the aftertaste.

All in all I really enjoyed this tea. The green tea/lemongrass/mint is a lovely combination when blended together.

You can read more about the review at

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drank Holiday Spice by Sterling Tea
247 tasting notes

I got this one that was accidentally mixed with Winter Warmth and it tastes like Christmas! In a good way! It has a subtle blend of spice and the black tea is pretty mellow but I think I can taste a bit of pine? This is definitely one that I’ll have to share with my boyfriend – he looooves spicy teas.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Pine, Spices

1 tsp

That does sound good. I really like the taste of pine.

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This chai was nice and spicy, with a refreshing hint of mint at the end to keep you drinking more. I had originally gotten this for my boyfriend, only to remember that he doesn’t enjoy anything with mint in it. So I finally got around to it and I’m pretty sure if I didn’t tell him that there was any mint in it he wouldn’t have noticed. The mint is just this magical element that nullifies the spiciness.

Flavors: Mint, Spicy

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What an interesting tea. I don’t care much for flavors, but this one tasted even. Not too sweet, not too fruity, the flavors just all came together. I just want to try it iced now!

Cold Brew
I cold brewed this twice with slightly different results. The first time was very light, not very much flavor. The second time it packed a better flavor and all I wanted was a little bit of sweetener to make the perfect iced tea. This cold brew makes me love this tea even more.

Flavors: Blackberry

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What an amazing tea. I’m always surprised when I like something new. I don’t tend to lean toward the white teas, but this one was soothing and satisfying.

Cold Brew
While I usually prefer the cold brew, this time I was only partially satisfied. It was good, but this tea was phenomenal hot with cookies.

Flavors: Vanilla

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Smells great, but it doesn’t translate to the flavor. Again, this might be a tea that I need to add a little more to get the flavor I want.

Flavors: Spices

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drank Mint Kiss by Sterling Tea
53 tasting notes

I’m usually not drawn to red teas, but this one was surprisingly delicious. Excellent flavor with a hint of chocolate made for a great mouthfeel.

Flavors: Chocolate, Peppermint

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Very mild in the cranberry and orange flavors. I want a little more from this tea, but maybe I should add more tea next time.

Flavors: Cranberry, Orange Zest

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I was hoping for a bit more spice in this tea. There is so much potential for something delicious, maybe I should add more tea next time.

Flavors: Spices

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I haven’t tasted a hibiscus tea like this before. The added ingredients really helped this one taste like cranberries which makes it perfect for the holidays.

Flavors: Cranberry, Hibiscus, Sweet

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drank Yerba Chai by Sterling Tea
53 tasting notes

A great spicy blend, I hardly noticed that this didn’t have any traditional tea leaves. Usually a chai with red tea tends to be a little too mild for me, but this one was delicious.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Spicy

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drank Sedona by Sterling Tea
2 tasting notes

This one is very similar to Tazo Passion, just not as tart. It’s a nice citrusy floral mix with a gorgeous red color.

4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Apricot Oolong by Sterling Tea
1271 tasting notes

Very good iced! This one is a green oolong that is very creamy with a bit of floral and grassyness – the apricot/peach flavor is light and much stronger of the taste when iced. With that said, this is more of an oolong with a twist of fruityness at the end.

Full review on my blog, The Oolong Owl

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Herbal Spa by Sterling Tea
1780 tasting notes

Awwww, my note just got eaten! Here we go again…
I’m usually not a huge fan of sleepy time teas. They often taste like a mouth full of chamomile fighting it out with some lavender. In this tea the mint runs the show with the lavender making an appearance towards the end and in the aftertaste. The chamomile mostly chills in the back which is fine by me. I’m not picking up on any rose, but I sweetened this with local honey to try to combat allergy season and the honey is pretty flavorful making it hard to taste past and get a true feel for the tea. It seems like a decent cup, but I’d like to try it again minus the honey. Hopefully the tea will relax me while I try to drift off to sleep and dream of what tea I will drink tomorrow!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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My husband took me out for high tea yesterday, and this was one of the pots they served us. I can’t tell you how it was prepared, but with a little sugar and a dash of milk it was a very nice complement to the savories.

It was a little heavy on the lavender, but you could still pick out the black tea and bergamot flavors. I didn’t notice any astringency, either.


Out for tea! Lucky you. I get taken to bring your own tea bag type of places. :)


It was really nice… we were the last people there, so we were totally spoiled and the chef came out several times to check on us and make sure everything was wonderful :)


Now, that’s a very sweet husband! :)


Very! :)

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drank Orange Swirl by Sterling Tea
911 tasting notes

Those of you that know me know I don’t like red rooibos. Green rooibos is cool, but red tastes like rotting wood to me. Which really doesn’t explain why I keep buying it.

This is another tea I picked up from my grocery store. I knew it was rooibos and I probably wouldn’t like but it just smells so good! The dry not-leaf smells like orange sherbet or dreamsicle ice cream. That scent is one of my most favorite smells in life so I couldn’t resist buying a little.

I didn’t anticipate liking the taste, especially as post-steeping this still has that lovely dreamsicle smell, but it is coupled with the sadly stronger wet wood smell that is rooibos. But surprise, surprise! The taste is 90% dreamsicle. Yay! Slurping brings out a bit more orange fruit flavor which is nice and juicy. The rooibos comes in at the very end of the sip; a bit sour, a bit rotted wood. It’s not really all that pleasant but, after the first sip, it’s not really all that present either.

Sadly, I think the flavoring of this might not be my friend as I seem to have developed a bit of a headache after finishing my first cup. That is sad because this is a rooibos that is quite delicious. If drinking it didn’t hurt, I’d definitely do it more.


I have found too that rooibos on its own is no good, but flavoured it’s a completely different picture! Now I’ve actually TWICE bought, actually BOUGHT, a rooibos blend. O.O


Shocking! :D But I totally agree – flavoring can really make a rooibos tea good! It doesn’t always work for me, but it’s nice to know that it can sometimes.


Yeah, it works best for me if it’s a sweet flavour or a berry flavour or both. Husband is very fond of one with lemongrass in it, which I’ve come to find reasonable, but will never be a favourite.


Interesting! I hadn’t thought to look for a pattern as to what flavors I like with rooibos. I do like lemongrass, but that’s just a general thing, I’m not sure if I like rooibos more with it or not. I must keep an eye out for a pattern!

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drank Decadent by Sterling Tea
11 tasting notes

As a sweet tea drinker who’s trying to cut calories, making this with Stevia in the Raw was still delicious – but when I tossed in a couple of brown sugar cubes the flavor really went through the roof!

Will be a part of my permanent stash.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Amount: 1.5 tsp per ~ 12 oz mug
Additives: stevia in the raw
Water: tap, boiling
Tool: finum paper tea bag
Steep Time: 3 minutes
Served: Hot


Drinking this sweetened & love the creamy notes of pineapple & coconut. Will definitely have to add this to my permanent stock. Found myself sniffing the empty mug just to inhale the wonderful fragrance. Resteeping the leaves now with an additional 1/2 tsp to have again.

Bought on a whim, now it will be part of the permanent stash.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Velvet by Sterling Tea
1780 tasting notes

I had never heard of this brand of tea before, but picked up an 86 cent sized bag of it at the supermarket in the bulk section on a whim. It smelled like the discontinued Bangkok Lemongrass Teavana tea. I liked that one, this could be promising. I brewed it up and took a sip… yeeeeeeesssss, the lemongrass is strong in this one. It has a heavier, fuller taste than the Bangkok tea. I think I may like it better. Each sip fills my mouth with lemongrassy goodness and I ADORE lemongrass. The rooibos is present, but hangs out backstage. Not quite as delicious once it has cooled. Could it be I’m falling in love? I’m going to have to check out more teas by Sterling because this one was awesome.

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drank Orange Swirl by Sterling Tea
1353 tasting notes

Last time we had this I thought it tasted most of all like celery, which is not something I enjoy. Husband disagreed vehemently with this assessment and told me I was ‘smoking rocks’.

Then I forgot all about it.

Fast forward to tonight where I made it again in a wish to use up the leaf, and I was completely unaware that I had actually disliked it until I went to remove it from the cupboard and eaw the other post. It made me laugh so I reminded Husband.

A little while later he came in and demanded to know what I had done. Now he’s apparently getting the celery flavour and I’m all vindicated.



Why is it always the orange teas? I swear, everyone’s low reviews of orange teas make me scared to ever try an orange tea.


As a matter of fact I possess an orange pu erh which is pretty much heavenly. Don’t give up, the awesome ones are out there.

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