St. Dalfour

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drank Pure Darjeeling Tea by St. Dalfour
10 tasting notes

This is my second time trying this. I like the taste. With this steeping time, it was on the edge of being bitter, but not quite. I like Darjeeling a little strong, but although I like this tea, it lacks something that other Darjeelings have. I can’t quite place it. It just seems a little bland, but still good.

2 min, 30 sec

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drank Lemon Tea by St. Dalfour
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Organic Vanilla Tea by St. Dalfour
10 tasting notes

This is a pretty good black tea with vanilla flavor. I like it in place of my plain black tea in the mornings on occasion.

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This is tea sampler I received with another purchase a whilst back. I decided to give this a try; as it is a day for remedy so a mint cup is the brew of choice.

It is recommended that pure boiling water be poured over one tea bag in a cup, immersing it for about 1 minute; 2 minutes (for strong). The aroma is lovely with the mint; freshness in the cup; first sip is strong depicting almost a black tea instead of green.

Over time the strength in the brew is weakened and flavor is to be enjoyed immensely. I decided to have this with my regular green tea (store brand) with the spring mint as flavoring for the remainder of the days brewing.

To drink tea is to calm the nerves, the anxieties etc. and I associate mint with curing something; an ailment or discomfort; soothing the mind when tested beyond its limit as this mind has been put through the ringer.

Another grateful cup, tea sampling mint tea. Thank you Bon Jour Gourmet for sending me this sampler.

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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This was a mild black tea with a nice sweet strawberry flavor. Reminded me of a syrup a bit.

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I remember this was the first green tea i tasted when i was little. The legendary st.dalfour was the favorite of my grandpa. Opening the bag and smelling the organic tea brought me good memories and the nice feeling continued as the tea bag start giving color to the warm water. Lovevly smell, lovevly color. The green tea flavor is not the best tea ever, yes sadly is not, but its good and since it brings me such nice memories, im afraid my tongue takes it as a delicious tea even though my brain says “we had tried better”. Ill listen to my heart just for tonight ;)

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drank Earl Grey by St. Dalfour
4337 tasting notes

I really don’t like this. Dare I say it reminds be of bug spray. eww. Not what I want to be drinking in the morning. This was the first Earl Grey I tried and I don’t think I’ll be trying any more.

4 min, 30 sec

I have been looking through your reviews and like the variety of teas you have tried. I also wasn’t impressed with this one. Do not judge or miss out on Earl Grey based on this one. This tasted more like a cinnamon tea than a citrus.


thanks for the comment! I promise not to give up on Earl Grey just yet.

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Both the tea and cherry are mild and delicate in flavor, similar to a French pastille candy. The flavor of the tea isn’t that interesting when just finished steeping and piping hot, but become more pronounced as the tea cools.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Delicious- strong, black and rough as a pure Ceylon should be. Again – no milk, no sugar, no sweeteners of any kind. Enjoy the taste!

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A green tea with a lovely mandarin orange flavor. The package said to pour boiling water on it though, but that usually ruins green teas, so I waited a while before steeping. I’ll have to try some more St. Dalfour, though green teas usually aren’t my favorite.

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This is interesting. The first sip tasted more like a green tea to me. I love the subtle cherry flavor and scent and the ceylon base is really delicious. The cherry is not overpowering at all. This reminds me of a Southern Comfort cherry tea I had once. I’ll have to try some more St. Dalfour and buy a box of this one (I only had one!)

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I prefer heavy, malty teas & like Darjeelings (at least the ones I’ve tasted) only in the afternoons when I’m at the office & don’t have milk. This one is really good: neither bitter nor excessively astringent, some aroma, and a nice lingering aftertaste. I’m guessing on the water temperature since I use the hot water from our cooler. I found it at Big Lots for $2 a box — a steal.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Haha, that’s where I got mine, too.

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I wasn’t prepared to enjoy this tea, as it was among the different boxed tea bags at about half the price of others. It’s Ceylon black tea, nothing surprising in its base notes, but it’s the subtleness of the black cherry that drew me in. I’m not a huge fan of sweet or over-done fruit blends, and this one is neither. True black cherry flavor that appears as a secondary note to the Ceylon. I’ve made doubly-strong infusions in travel tumblers for work, and the flavor is still very subtle. I’m not convinced that it’s gourmet or deluxe quality as is written all over the box, but it’s certainly refreshing.

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This is not the most horrible bagged tea I’ve had. It’s actually pretty palatable compared to some I’ve had but it also doesn’t ‘wow’ me. I might buy it again if I were stuck with nothing else.

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drank Earl Grey by St. Dalfour
267 tasting notes

What is up with this tea? Older (lower income) women keep offering me free samples of this and asking me to let them know if I want to buy a box. Is this the Avon cosmetics of the tea world? Anyway, fresh with new free samples I thought I’d give the earl grey a try with a splash of vanilla almond milk.
Nothing much to say about it- it’s a perfectly good run-of the mill cup of bagged earl grey. I like that it’s organic though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Jim Marks

And now I don’t need to ask.


That’s strange! I know St. Dalfour makes great jam!!! :)


I didn’t think it was BAD tea, I just don’t know what’s up with people trying to sell it as a personal business.

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I bought this at Big Lots for 2 reasons…one because it was SUPER CHEAP and two…because I have never tried anything from this company.

I must say I am pleasantly surprised as this is MUCH better than I expected. This is a nice medium strength bagged tea. It’s not much for aroma but it was a slight peppery yet natural kick to it. I agree with the other tasters saying it’s a forgiving tea if over infused, too. Good to know…since I am so forgetful

Michelle Butler Hallett

Their Darjeeling is quite acceptable, too. Both make good iced tea (cold brewed), too.

Peggie Bennett

Merry Christmas!

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1 bag for 250mL water @98C, steeped 4 minutes.


A good Darjeeling, especially for a bagged tea. I’ve said before it forgives a long steep, but it can get bitter if left too long. Coddled with water just off the boil, it rewards you with lots of Muscatel, a bit of spice and a pleasant atringency. No woody notes. Dependable and not expensive.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1 bag for 200mL water, bare.

Not a brilliant, mind-blowing Darjeeling but a damned sight better than most bagged travesties that dare to call themselves Darjeeling. A thoroughly dependable Darjeeling. Light body, lovely scent, nutty muscatel taste, and mild to medium astringency. Tastes best to me at a four-minute steep.

For bagged tea, St Dalfour’s Darjeeling and Ceylon are really, really good. Stash’s bagged Darjeelings, in their Teas of India line, are a bit better, but St Dalfour’s can be found in stores here, whereas most of Stash’s offerings must be ordered online.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Michelle Butler Hallett

This also makes an excellent overnight iced tea. Use as many bags as you would for hot tea, put the bags in your pitcher, fill the pitcher with cold water, brew overnight. No bitterness. The St Dalfour Ceylon is excellent for this, too.

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A really good blended bagged Darjeeling. Makes excellent iced tea. Does not get bitter. Sharp and snappy with some muscatel and astringency. Much better than many alleged Darjeelings on the supermarket shelves. (Twinings, I’m glaring at you.) Utterly dependable. One of my go-to teas.

Also forgives a long steep.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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Clean and packed with caffeine. Forgives a long steep. Hardly a delicate or fancy tea, but delicious and dependable.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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its actualy not that bad.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

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i struggld to rate because i didnt spit it out or anything. Very strong tea with high caffine. Hard to make it right and i just had it straight with no sugar. Its just a completely average tea with no complexity to it. Nice that its like all organic an stuff though. Very cheep and it should be.

Boiling 1 min, 15 sec

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drank Earl Grey by St. Dalfour
108 tasting notes

Probably my favorite Earl Grey, the St. Dalfour has a fruity, flowery taste that I find incredibly comforting. Those jam-makers know how to flavor a black tea. It’s much lighter than other Earls, and not as harsh on the palette. The bergamot is a summer breeze in the cup: not nearly as strong as I usually prefer my bergamot flavor, but somehow just as pleasant. Note that the subtle nuances of this tea seem to dissipate quickly in storage. Best to consume quickly.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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This is a bagged tea product with two unusual characteristics: (1) the bags are not folded over and stapled like most other bagged black teas in the U.S. (2) each bag contains an unusually generous amount of tea.

And it is a rich, mellow tea. Really very good. The flavor is very plain. The brew is neither spicy, nutty, tangy nor sweet. But the quality of this tea is uncompromising for a bagged tea. Good with milk or without.

The bags are individually foil-wrapped, and have strings.

Boiling 1 min, 15 sec

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