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drank Sencha Pina Colada by Souvia
6444 tasting notes

I made this both as a hot tea and a cold brew. Both were good, capturing pineapple and coconut nicely and making for a vacation in a cup.

Check out the full review here:

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drank Orange oolong by Souvia
27 tasting notes

Let’s be frank here: This is a cheap blended tea. The base oolong is a low-grade Formosa (cheap), the intermittent orange peels are aided by “flavoring” (cheap), and you’ll barely spend more than a tenner on 100 grams. Smell the stuff and it’s both orange and little bit TOO orange for the amount of peel blended in. Cheap, cheap, cheap.

But after enjoying three pots of tea with my current companion, I was ready for cheap, clean, and a little bright. Especially since I’d just shared a lapsang with him. Anything expensive and nuanced would be lost to the smoldering campfire that had taken up residence on my palate.

The orange oolong hit the spot. Bright, crisp, and clean. It’s not remotely nuanced, but it still beats the heck out of almost any of the bagged and broken options on a grocer’s shelf. It’s a perfect palate cleanser and an undemanding sipper. Even as my sense of taste returned, the flavors on display here could really be boiled down to “orange” and “snap pea”. Fresh, satisfying, simple. Resteep? Didn’t try. It probably wouldn’t stand up, and it’s cheap as hell anyway.

This would be a perfect breakfast tea for those lazy mornings. Don’t want to measure your tea? Don’t want to obsess about temperature? Want to be fuzzy with the steep time? Throw some water over some orange oolong and go to town. It’ll probably be pleasantly drinkable anyway.

Flavors: Orange

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drank Peppermint by Souvia
4337 tasting notes

’Here’s Hoping’ Teabox Round #4 – Tea #13
Somehow this one wasn’t on Steepster yet, but this is a great herbal peppermint. Super fresh, sweet and strongly minty. Not much else to say, but I definitely need to keep mint in stock at all times! Second steep was delicious too… aren’t they usually? Not sure why I say it all the time!

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drank Pai Mu Tan by Souvia
184 tasting notes

Nice and light…good after a stronger tea.

2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Pai Mu Tan by Souvia
184 tasting notes

I wanted to try a base white tea…I always have white tea as a base for something else, and never had it by itself.

I liked the nice light flavor. This is a tea that I would like to drink straight, but also in flavored teas. It seems I like the extremes…strong (like English/Irish Breakfast), or delicate (like white).

2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Had this one yesterday. Nice standard tea…not bitter or astringent. Not as strong as my go-to Twinings Irish Breakfast, but I didn’t want that. Sometimes, you just want a nice smooth cup.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Nice solid tea to start the day.

I don’t really know what else to say about it. :)

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I wanted something non-flavored to start out the week, and this one is pretty good. It’s not as bold as I want, but it has a good flavor.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I wanted something like my beloved Twinings Irish tea bags. I thought this was a pretty good substitute…nice and strong! I think I may have oversteeped a little bit, because I could taste bitter, but it was nice and strong!

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Much chai flavor. Not exactly what I was looking for today, but there it is.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Tastes spicy today…like a chai! I went back and looked at the ingredients…some of those ‘chai’ flavors are in it, so that accounts for the taste.

It tastes really bold today. The orange comes through a bit, as does the almond, but the chai flavor is overpowering.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Decided on this tea this morning. I am just falling down tired. Stayed up til 1:30 on the weekend, up till 11 last night working on a paper, and in work at 6 am. So, I need a tea with a strong (and hopefully, caffeinated) black base.

This tea tastes better hot. It’s cooling down now, so it tastes different. I think the flavors are clearer when the tea is hot. I like it, but not sure I’d buy it again.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Very nice this morning. It’s Halloween, and definitely fall-time. Better than just orange spice, the almonds give a nice smoothness. This is a very good tea, and I enjoy it.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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This is one of those teas where I think the smell is just too strong and powerful, but the taste is different. This is a seasonal tea for Souvia, so I decided to splurge a little and try it. I’m a big fan of liking how a tea smells, but like I said, I thought the smell was just overwhelming. However, I bought it anyway (and the minimum is 50 g, so it was a little bit of a gamble).

The tea brews up with an orange hue. The taste is weaker than the smell (so it looks like it was a good gamble!). I can taste the ‘fall’ in this autumn tea. I can taste cinnamon and a variety of the other spices. It’s not just a chai though…I can taste the orange and a bit of the almond.

I think the tea blends well together. I don’t know how long it is going to take me to drink 2 oz of this, though…probably forever. :)

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I am glad you enjoy the tea! I have to agree with your that the scent is very strong. That tends to be the case with most teas that contain spices and especially almond extract. It does mellow out in the cup and I love it because of the twist on the classic orange spice.

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I received a sample of this tea when I made my last purchase. I liked this tea…I don’t normally drink unflavored tea, but it was a nice wake-me-up.

I felt it had a good flavor, and not too bitter. A little bit, but I consider it to be more of a bite…this tea isn’t wimpy, and it was really good. I’m going to see if the second steep is good as well.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Sakura Black by Souvia
518 tasting notes

This is my Pass The Stash TTB gift from khamilton611 and it’s perfect!

I am really enjoying this tea. Barely cherry, sweet and smooth with just a hint of something else.

I sipped on this while sorting through the TTB. Penny, my kitty in my profile picture, sat and helped me sort through it. He’s been incredibly fascinated with the last two tea boxes I’ve gotten.

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I haven’t yet had a roobios blend that is better than this. Iced, over steeped, amazing!

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drank Pomegranate-Grape by Souvia
35 tasting notes

Another great flavored, iced green tea. Grape jolly rancher!

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drank Pear Helene by Souvia
35 tasting notes

Great summer iced tea. The combination of the tea and pear make a great flavor.

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My first Keemun…I found it to be smoky, but smooth. I don’t drink a lot of unflavored teas, but I got this one as a sample, and I liked it.

3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Almond Dream by Souvia
1501 tasting notes

Gosh I love this tea. Must grab more! Finished it off when I was still fighting off the ick a few weeks back, and it was incredibly soothing even then (y’know, when I couldn’t taste anything). Thanks again khamilton611 for sharing this with me, and for me having my first Souvia tea, it was a fantastic experience!

Flavors: Almond, Apple, Cinnamon, Cookie

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Sami Kelsh

Oh, it does sound scrummy.


No actual tea in it, so you can EAT it! The store said that they have a customer who buys it just to eat it.

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drank Almond Dream by Souvia
1501 tasting notes

Hm. Oversteeping = more apple, less apple crumble. Boo me. I’ll know for next time.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Oops… Over steeping happens too often for me too. Too many distractions at home!

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drank Almond Dream by Souvia
1501 tasting notes

Brews to a light orangey-pink, and both smells and tastes strongly of… apple brown betty? It’s quite fascinating really, and comforting. I think I may need to buy some of this.

Got this from khamilton611 in the Tea and Yarn Swap. Thank you so much, this was my first tea from this company!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

When I bought it, the person helping me told me that someone buys it…not to steep as tea…but to eat it!

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