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drank Pu’erh by Prestogeorge
7 tasting notes

Black, Smooth, Earthy.
Good tea.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Purchased at Prestogeorge in Pittsburgh.
Steeped @ 185 for 3 minutes.
Very smooth and clean. No bitterness.
Had a 2nd cup reinfused with honey….very good!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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I enjoy this tea quite a lot! It is lemony, without being cloying or overbearing, and the vanilla notes make it smooth. I love this after lunch!

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Great tea for mixing with other teas. On its on a very strong, nice jasmine in a reasonable price range. Slightly astringent.

Flavors: Jasmine

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Sample from Hoálatha

Work notes: Lightly spicy, but with a touch of sweet undertones that remind me of a White Ayurvedic Chai. Slight hints of coconut, light cinnamon, and rich flavors [indescribable].

Flavors: Cinnamon, Coconut, Sweet

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drank Peach Black Tea by Prestogeorge
258 tasting notes

Hmm. So this is weird. I’ve brewed this tea hot a few times and always knew that it would make a better iced tea. So, recently I cold brewed a big batch of this. I did it in the laziest way possible by pouring in a bunch of tea into a pitcher and let it sit overnight. The next day, the tea was nice and crisp with peachy flavors. Well, I have since left it for about a week with the tea leaves sitting in the bottom and am now drinking it again this morning. And I’ll be damned if I’m not tasting a creamy peach strawberry(!?). The peach is there but underneath, almost an aftertaste, it keeps reminding me of a creamy strawberry flavor. I have no idea what is going on but I honestly don’t mind it. Very odd, is all.

Anyone else ever have this happen? Where you let a tea cold brew for a long time and the texture and flavor profile change on you?

Flavors: Creamy, Peach, Strawberry

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Have you ever opened a bottle of peach flavoring and dumped it into a glass of water, then drunk it?

I don’t have to anymore.

Flavors: Artificial, Peach


Savage ;)


Ugh, taking one for the team, I see.


Yes, I took that bullet for you all.


Sounds awful!

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Alas, a sipdown. This was a very good tea, and I will miss it. Perhaps if I am ever in Pittsburgh, I can meet up with PrestoGeorge himself, if there is such a figure. Perhaps he will wear a fine cape and whisk a dove out of his jacket that will flutter around the establishment, hopefully not pooping everywhere. (For sanitation reasons! THINK OF THE TEA!) I will shake his hand, and then he will disappear into a mirror. Turns out he was pretending to be a fake magician, but he had real magic all along.

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A thumbs-up to mtchyg for this sample. I’ve been running around an arts festival in searing heat + rain (am I sweating? is this rain?). I needed to work on some projects in the air conditioning for a while with something straightforward.

This is a creamy black tea with lots of vanilla, a sashay of coconut, and an earthy chocolate note at the bottom.

It’s like Boyz II Men. A lot of light fluttery stuff on top with that rich bass note grounding it. If you don’t remember Boyz II Men, you missed out on a fine cultural experience. In fact, I recommend going on YouTube and familiarizing yourself with them so you can fully grasp what I’m saying about this tea.

Oh, and another thing: PrestoGeorge is a great name for a tea company. It sounds like the name of an elderly magician. An un-creepy grandpa who does basic magic tricks at all his grandkids’ birthday parties. He has a little sign he carries in the back of his car that he props up against a table. The sign depicts a rabbit in a hat, though he’s never incorporated any living animal into any of his tricks. His kids (the parents of his grandkids) are like “oh, Dad, AGAIN with the MAGIC?” but secretly they LOVE it.

Flavors: Caramel, Metallic, Mocha, Vanilla


Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out. the candle. light. Boyz II Men were my spirit animal in 5th grade.

This tea also makes a good iced tea as well.

And yeah, PrestoGeorge. I’ve always wondered who George was and how he came up with PrestoGeorge. I’m sure his wife or something was like, “It’s right in front of your face, George! No. No. Right HERE! PRESTO, GEORGE! You blind sonofabitch.” And he was like, “Eureka! My company name! That’s it!”


@mtchyg LOL


Glad I/we could make you laugh. Super Starling! and I are currently putting together material to create a stage show. It’ll be a fantastical duo. Mostly we’ll review teas. But LIVE! And ON STAGE! Maybe with fancy lights, confetti streamers, and smell-o-vision scent emitters to capture the smell of the tea. Like they do at Disney. But… with tea…

Super Starling!

This is the best idea ever. Please let’s do this.


I’m in! I mean, do I look like the type of guy that would kid around about Live On Stage Tea Reviews? Psshh. No.

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drank White Chai by Prestogeorge
239 tasting notes

First of all, let me say that this tea is not nearly as fresh as the picture on the website. The tea looked like something I raked up out of my yard in the dead of winter. The leaves were brown and withered. Strange. But the smell of the leaves is fantastic! It reminds me of snowy evenings by the fire with the Christmas tree glowing in the background.

The color of the brew is much darker than I am used to for a white. Maybe because the leaves are browner than advertised? That same Christmasy smell still wafts from my cup.

But then I run into why I don’t see many white chai blends: the white teas are too delicate to put such heavy spices in. I can’t taste the base at all, I don’t think. There’s a heavy sugary flavor that COULD be the tea; the website doesn’t mention anything about having sugar in blend. But it’s sooo sweet. Not sure about that.

Spices are the usual for a chai: ginger, cinnamon, cardamom. I’m glad there’s no clove in there, as I usually find clove to be a little overwhelming no matter how little they use.

While this tea is charmingly Christmasy, I’m so distracted by the odd sweetness that I can’t enjoy it fully.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Spicy, Sugar, Sweet

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Peach Black Tea by Prestogeorge
239 tasting notes

This is another one of those opportunities to compare and contrast. My first loose leaf tea after Twinings was Churchill’s Peachy Black. I liked it so much that I drank it pretty often, and I thought that my eyes would never stray to another peach black tea. I was engaged to this tea.

Of course, so many things have changed since then. And I found myself wanting to see what was out there—play the field, you know. I picked up this peach black blend by Prestogeorge on a day trip to Pittsburgh just so I could compare the two.

The differences are apparent just by smell alone. Churchill seemed to opt for a more floral peach flavor, so that the tea was more like peach blossoms. Don’t think I didn’t notice the dried fruit pieces in there as well; I appreciate your dedication to the idea that fruit, and not fruit flavors, are giving this tea its taste.

Prestogeorge seemed to go for a peach nectar/juicy flavor. And while both flavors are very nice, I have to say that I personally prefer Prestogeorge’s. It’s a little peachier, a lot more audacious. The tea itself is less drying and a little toastier. It makes my palate tingle.

Even though I am going to Cincinnati this weekend, I decided not to pick up more of Churchill’s Peachy Black, which makes me a little sad in a “lost relic of childhood” kind of way. But I look forward to the new adventures this tea hobby is taking me on regardless.

Flavors: Nectar, Peach, Toasty

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp

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drank Coconut Vanilla by Prestogeorge
239 tasting notes

There’s nothing at all special about the base of this tea. Except for a slightly dry taste at the back of my throat and an aftertaste of pennies, I could almost be drinking water. There may be a slight toasty flavor, but I’m thinking that is coming from the toasted coconut.

Now the flavoring on this tea is excellent. I love coconut so much that I don’t mind a sheen of oil at the top of my tea in order to taste it. The vanilla mixes well with the coconut to give the cup a creamy, coconut pudding kind of flavor.

I won’t mind drinking the rest of what I have in my cabinet, because the coconut flavor saves this tea, but it’s not something I will get again.

Flavors: Coconut, Metallic, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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I feel like I start all my reviews off this way, but this was my first sencha. The tea was extremely light. I could barely taste the tea base, but that may have been because I had just finished dinner, which was cajun roasted chicken, so my tastebuds were probably blown out from that.

The cherry was nice and natural tasting, not too artificial, and definitely light. I had to kind of breathe it up against my palate to get a stronger dose of the flavoring.

I think this will be a tea I’m keeping around.

Flavors: Cherry, Green

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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This is my first white tea, and I have to say that I am lacking the vocabulary to describe it. It’s extremely mild, with just the slightest hint of bitterness at the back of the palette after it is swallowed. The flavor can only be described as . . . tea, and perhaps a bit of hay. It’s not unpleasant, but I’m not jumping up and down over it.

Flavors: Hay, Tea

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 0 sec 2 tsp

Well that doesnt sounds right – keep with white tea as most is pretty lovely tasting imho


It’s probably not a very high quality white; it was extremely cheap.


Silver needle is usually pretty expensive. You should be able to brew it for a lot more than 1 minute as well. Mine I do 2:30-3 minutes

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drank Peach Oolong by Prestogeorge
239 tasting notes

The smell of this tea is overwhelmingly peachy, but most of that disappears when it’s brewed. It has a sort of roasty toasty aroma with an undercurrent of peach, which is the flavor that comes out. Maybe a toasted rice kind of flavor? It’s rather nice and light. No bitterness or astringency at all

I’m wondering if I can coax a stronger flavor out of it if I steep it longer the next time.

Flavors: Peach, Toasted Rice, Toasty

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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drank Coconut Vanilla by Prestogeorge
790 tasting notes

Received this in a swap with mtchyg awhile back. I wrote down notes but then lost them until today, cleaning out my little nest in the living room. :)

This was a more natural coconut, not really a creamy coconut. This isn’t a stand out base but it’s not a bad tea overall. There is definitely coconut in it, pretty sure there was some coconut oil on top in my cup. Happy to have tried but it won’t replace Zhi’s coconut black in my cupboard.

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drank Coconut Vanilla by Prestogeorge
258 tasting notes

For a cheaper tea, this is consistently delicious and not bitter if you brew it right (2:30 first steep, 3-4 minutes second steep). Light coconut flavor, smooth black tea.

Flavors: Coconut, Vanilla

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Tangerine Green by Prestogeorge
258 tasting notes

This is actually one of the better flavored greens I’ve had. The tea is clean, fresh, and silky feeling. The Tangerine flavor is subtle but lingers very nicely on the back of the tongue. I’m really digging this tea tonight.

Flavors: Orange

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank ginger peach black by Prestogeorge
258 tasting notes

This is a decent enough tea. A nice peach scent but the flavor isn’t as pronounced as the smell. The ginger is minimal. The tea itself is not super high quality but is also not bitter. Middle of the road really. The saving grace is I was able to get 4 oz for around $5. I still am not sure I would buy this again. Too many teas out there that are better than this one.

Flavors: Peach

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Lemon Chiffon by Prestogeorge
4336 tasting notes

Teeny Tiny TTB Round 2

Hooray, more caffeine-free! I found several interesting rooibos blends worth trying in the box, huzzah. Lemon is one of my favorite flavors, and I’ve tried several different lemon dessert rooibos blends, but none of them has been quite right. So here’s another contender! The red rooibos is mixed with citrus peel and what I assume is lemon balm? Ah, I see it’s lemon myrtle. I admit to not knowing the difference. This tea has literally zero dry scent, ha ha. Poopy box, you stole it all! :P

The steeped tea, however, is quite fragrant and reminds me of lemon drop candies. This is quite nice! It’s definitely more of a refreshing lemon than a dessert one, but it’s not overly tart or sharp. It reminds me a bit of lemon candies but without the sugar. I don’t taste the rooibos base at all, which is a shame since I do actually like rooibos. There’s a little bit of an aftertaste issue because the flavoring is so strong, though. Which is a shame!

Flavors: Candy, Lemon, Sweet

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

What is the best lemon tea you’ve ever had?

Cameron B.

Ehhh probably Lemon French Macaron from Butiki, though I wish it were a bit stronger. :)

Cameron B.

I also really enjoyed the Dammann Frères tea I had yesterday – Noël à Venise.


Ah, yeah, Butiki’s was pretty good. Did you ever try H&S’s Wedding Tea?

Cameron B.

Yeah, I enjoyed that one a lot, too. :)


Just jumping in to say that Lemon French Macaron is also my favourite! I liked Harney’s Wedding Tea too but it’s weaker on the lemon than Butiki’s.

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drank Peach Oolong by Prestogeorge
467 tasting notes

I’m so far behind in my logging. Yikes!

I got this from Lariel a while back (when?).

A nice China oolong with a strong scent of peach. Luckily it isn’t as overly peachy as it smells. Oolongs aren’t my favorite teas but I’m always ready to try them in case I find one I’m in love with.

Flavors: Peach

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drank Lemon Chiffon by Prestogeorge
467 tasting notes

Nice bright lemon flavor. Not a sour lemon. I taste the lemon myrtle most. I love, love, love lemon myrtle. Ever since we went to Australia I have had an obsession with lemon myrtle! Not sure if i taste the chiffon/pastry but it really doesn’t matter to me. :-)

Flavors: Lemon, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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