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Still a soft and gentle, creamy bergamot/earl grey sort of concoction. It’s not a LOVE LOVE, but it is a really nice, soothing, lovely tea that I can dig into. For whatever reason I hoard it though – I really just need to drink and enjoy it. :)
I did NOT expect to like this one as much as i did because it’s a) green and b) has bergamot. lol however, this one isn’t bad. It has NOTHING on the other one from laudree as far as i’m concerned but in the grand scheme of things, liking it as much as i did says something about it… fruity and caramel… just that darn blergmot interfering….anyone who really like green + bergamot, would likely quite enjoy this one :) thanks again MissB!
revisitng this one courtesy of VariaTEA..I’ve had this a couple time now and i think i’m over it. What i like about this one is that this is how i wish blergamot was done in most teas. I can drink’s nice enough…i don’t want to cough up the blerg. However, i think i was a little off my rocker when i had this – probably the excitement of a blergy tea that i could drink. Dropping the rating down so i don’t inadvertantly purchase this again in the future. I’ll drink it if i happen to get some, and enjoy it…but it’s nothing i need to keep in my cupboard.
Another one i’m saying good bye too. this is one of the few teas with bergamot that i actually really enjoy. The rest is in to the swap box though as i never pull it out often enough as i find i need to be in the right mind set to drink this one heh
MissB sent this one my way. I’ve never heard of this company before her treats arrived so i brewed this up with no expectation of what to expect and didn’t look at what was even in it. First off, these are great little muslin tea bags. I’m a fan. Secondly…
OMG THE TEA! Another tasting note called this similar to an Earl Grey. If THIS was what all EG’s were like, i’d welcome EG’s in to my heart with open arms. But they’re not. I wouldn’t call this an EG myself – i don’t get that awful blergamot taste. Instead this is a seriously deliciate citrus, spice tea with what appears to be vanilla (according to the website) that makes it just a deliciously smooth amazing cup of tea. So much so that i resteeped the tea bag a second time because i didn’t want it to be finished. drool.
Now i have ANOTHER company on my list to try that i have no access to. le sigh thank you so much MissB!!
This is a perfect tasting note. Plus you had not heard of Ladurée!!! OMG. I would totally have a Ladurée room off my kitchen, all done up to look like a mini version of one of their stores. LadurSILée!
There’s a rumour that they are considering CDN location Sil:-)
Mean while they just opened a tea salon in New York.
Here’s a link to their menu. The tea list is towards the bottom.
I’ll have to post pictures of the one in London to Facebook; it’s amazing, it’s adorable, and their macarons are almost as good as their tea. Plus, it’s not terribly expensive either.
ALL, like literally ALL my younger friends know of Ladurée from Gossip Girl. This is typical (and please enjoy the fact that she talks about a COLOR PALATE!!! AAAH! Reverse madness!):
Argh I was just reminded that I forgot to go to Ladurée when I was in NYC!! I looooooove Ladurée, mostly for their macarons. I have always considered trying their tea (I even looked at their teas in their store in Brussels last year) but have never taken the plunge. Guess I should.
Dinosara – bummer. When i try the other one that MissB sent (it’s green) i’ll have a better idea, but they feel to me like they’d be up your alley heh.
Yeah, I’m sure they would be. Of course they are one of the 100g at a time French teas so it’s hard to make the first plunge.
Nope, not 100G at all! (Sorry for the late reply). I grabbed my two tins (paper enclosures, hard to explain) with I think 25 tea bags each in them. Having said that, I had to find a store to grab them in this size, and specifically ask for bags, not loose. I’m definitely grabbing more when I go back.
Bought in the UK but enjoying in France, I’d say this is my favorite green tea of all time. It’s light yet creamy, fluffy and caramely, I actually get the rhubarb in there as a slight tang, and even I want to say a baked crumble feel. It’s divine, more so with a touch of sweetener to bring out the flavours.
Flavors: Caramel, Creamy, Rhubarb
This blend is like an Earl Grey, but softer and gentler, where you get citrus flavor without the least bit of bitterness or astringency. For having a strong citrus flavor, it’s remarkably smooth and delicate, perfect during months of colder weather. In the US, you can only order this tea by calling Laduree in NYC.
For more info, please see my full review:
Prominent fruity, berry-like smell, similar to a light fruit punch. The smell of this blend really reminds me of strawberries and cream oatmeal. The only way to get this in the U.S. is to call Laduree’ store in NYC directly.
For more info please see my full review:
Finally opened this one as I’ve cleanly polished off a couple of other flavoured black teas (it’s easy to accumulate lots when they all sound so good!) – have been looking forward to it for a while. The first and last time I drank this tea was in Covent Garden, with my girlfriend, over pastries, and I remembered it being so, so sweet and delicious…
Funnily, it’s not giving me the same sweet surprise this time round! I’m finding familiarity in the cornflower and wild strawberry flavours as are in Yumchaa’s Notting Hill, although it’s a little more floral to begin with, and leaves a splendid, slightly acidic finish with the rhubarb. The black tea base is definitely there but it doesn’t overpower the added flavours at all – I think this might become my next comforting go-to tea once I run out of Notting Hill.