Keep Calm And Carry On Beverage Company Ltd.

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Having a sip-down, trying to thin the herd of tea boxes currently overpopulating the shelves (how well we all know the experience!). KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON English Breakfast tea was a purchase made from a charming little shop called “Made in Britain”, which sadly, did not survive the pandemic. Of course it specialized in items from the UK, with plenty of Union Jack designs to tickle us Anglophiles into purchasing all manner of things.
As another reviewer has previously observed, Keep Calm And Carry On Beverage Company Ltd sells to shops just like that one. There’s no identifying WHAT kind of black tea is in these bags. It merely shows “Ingredients: Black Tea”.
Because of its solid mouth feel, I would say this tastes like Assam, perhaps with some Ceylon. I appreciate the fuller weight of the teabags: 3.125 grams each, rather than the 2.5 of many American teabags. This means that when I made a full pot, I only needed four of these teabags rather than six of the smaller size (from other brands of tea). Their cute tin contained 40 bags, with a total tea weight of 125 g/4.41 oz.
I don’t expect to buy it again—but I DO recommend it for a good, regular cuppa. Considering the package best by date here was October 2017 (a year after purchase!)—and it’s 7-1/2 years later than that, it’s proved its worthiness by still making a good strength cup of tea. I remember enjoying it better a few years back when I was actively drinking it. Any weakness here I attribute to its age on my shelf.
So if you see it in a cute British-themed shop, and like that Union Jack and the “Keep Calm & Carry On”-ness of it, I do recommend you give it a go. It’s a decent, enjoyable cup of tea, AND you can use that nice sized attractive tin to hold other teabags once you finish it!

Flavors: Tannin, Tea, Thick

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 3 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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I love Ceylon black teas. Yes, I’m easily impressed, but it’s hard to understand how such a bold tea can also be so smooth. This was given to me today as a gift from a coworker, and I wasted no time trying it out. I had never heard of this London company before, but this tea is almost as good as the Ceylon black tea from their neighbor, my beloved Ahmad.

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Recently had another go at preparing this tea – it seems that the magic brew is 1 bag into 16oz for 1min (and not much over) at 200F. It’s still not a good tea, but at those specs it becomes something I’m willing to throw in a thermos and take to class with me.

I still haven’t found any friends to offload it on, so this’ll be my default way of drinking it for a while.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Got this tea as a present…mostly because of the tin, I’m sure. Sadly, said tin has no guidelines whatsoever on how to prepare the stuff, so I wound up having to wing it.

I’m not usually a big fan of teabags, but on a whim I decided to drop one in my standard tea mug and give it a go…it brewed up really richly to a dark chestnut colour that – oddly enough – reminded me of the Lipton tea bags I used to have as a child.

The first attempt at brewing was 212F for 3min and the resultant tea was nigh-undrinkable – overly rich and tannin heavy and generally unpleasant. I gave it another attempt at 200F for 2min and it came out a little better…but for the life of me I can’t decide if the issue is the temperature or the time.

In any case, this particular cup reminded me of childhood tea…in some slightly unsavoury ways. It’s thick and silky feeling in the mouth, but lacks complexity and instead just kinda kicks you in the teeth with a generic “tea” flavour (about as delightful as the sweet teas you get at McDonald’s).

So although I have a whole tin of the stuff I think I’ll figure out a way to foist it off on some of my less-wary tea drinking friends…it’s not like they really have tastebuds, anyway.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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For my first time using tea, this was great! Really enjoyed the citrus taste, adding just a teaspoon of honey, local, and a slice of lemon it tasted great!

5 min, 0 sec

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Totally bought this for this tin.

This is a royal blue tin with red writing on it that says keep calm and carry on. It has a bit of history of the “keep calm” on the back which essentially says that during WWII the British Government created a bunch of posters that said “Keep calm and carry on” in order to help keep peace among citizens. But the posters were never used, and years later someone found one and resurrected the saying. So I thought that was pretty neat.

What’s not pretty neat is that I can find no information on this tea anywhere on the expanse of the internet. All I can find is that is it “afternoon blend” but what is in an afternoon blend?

The tea bag looks and smells like a crushed up Ceylon blend. The brewed tea is the colour of a Celyon tea, really reminds me of Red Rose. The smell of the brewed tea, smells of Ceylon but there is something else creamy in it. Not too sharp, maybe something like vanilla.

The brewed tea tastes like Ceylon (big surprise here – haha). But it is not harsh or astringent like I find a lot of Ceylon teas. There is definitely something creamy in there. Not necessarily vanilla, but kind of feels like that. It is much more mellow that I expected – maybe that is the afternoon part.

Definitely surprised at this tea. I anticipated it to be just a really cheap bagged tea (and therefore taste like a really cheap bagged tea), but it tastes pretty good. Maybe I will drink this in the afternoons :)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I found this:

“Afternoon Tea Blend
Most tea importers’ catalogs, British or American, will include a lighter blend that is perfect when accompanied by light sandwiches or sweets at the afternoon tea table. Some are made up of just Sri Lankan Orange Pekoe grade teas; others are composed of a medley of Darjeeling, Assam, and Nilgiri that give an all-Indian flavor; and a few combine teas from both Sri Lanka and India. The blender’s aim is to create a tea that complements, rather than masks, the delicate flavor of the afternoon tea meal.”

I also feel a need to add that I have a NOW PANIC AND FREAK OUT poster in my living room in the country.


Thanks Anna! After writing the review, I found a sticker on the bottom of the tea that says it is black tea from Sri Lanka (doesn’t narrow it down too much). I love the idea of “Now panic and Freak out”, that is awesome. I wonder what that tea would taste like…


Probably a hibiscus-flavoured rooibos, going by the peeves of most Steepsterites, haha.


Ha ha. Totally true.


I think I saw these at Winners and also assumed that they would be your average cheap bagged tea.


That’s where I bought it from, Winner’s/Home Sense.

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I cold-steeped three bags at a time in my 1L iced tea pitcher, and left the bags in the liquid in the fridge (I know, I know…). Lots of flavour and quite tasty (not at all bitter) done that way; as a hot tea, it was completely nondescript. It’s okay – not bad, not great, absolutely nothing special. I really appreciate that it’s all Ceylon tea.

I won’t lie, I also bought this whole set (red/white/blue) for the tins, as I’ve got a few bags of loose English Breakfast and Earl Grey that need homes. My favourite of the three tins is the afternoon blend.

Iced 8 min or more

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I bought this on a terrible whim at Winners. I remember they had fancy french teas but I forgot to look, and was already in the check-out line. And so I was determined that IF I saw tea I would buy it because it would be awesome.

But it wasn’t awesome French tea. It was silly Keep Calm tea. And bagged.

But it was $4 and it tastes ok. Now I have a silly tin.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

I got this Paddington bear suitcase tea tin this past summer at winners, just for the tin. The tea inside was just “meh” but yay for cute packaging!


Yay! Glad I’m not the only one who gets suckered in.

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This tin didn’t have the Afternoon Blend in it like the label said. It was a Marshalls purchase and this one had earl grey in it instead. Based on the earl grey and english breakfast teas from the other tins, I don’t really think I’m missing out on much. I just want to blow through these teas so I can store other – better quality – teas in these tins.

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Very bland, but not terrible. The packaging makes you buy it for the cute tins, but it’s not something I’d repurchase – unless of course they made new tins.

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Very simple tea in pretty packaging. I’m not gonna lie, I bought this for the packaging. It’s a very cheap, weak earl grey, but it’s drinkable.

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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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