Indie Tea

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drank Lover's Lane by Indie Tea
8 tasting notes

I thought this romanticly-named tea might be loaded with natural aprodisiacs (sp?) but rediscovery helped me realize that I am just good naturally. The teas is good by itself as well. Yum!

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Interesting blend. Actually very enjoyable. I drink it regularly, maybe it’ll make me the wiser.

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drank Lucky Duck by Indie Tea
8 tasting notes

What a blend for living in LAs Vegas. I tried it and actually wo $65.00 on my way out of Red Rock Station after leaivng the theater. Haaa. Was it the tea? I don’t gamble regularly.

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drank Crazy Earl by Indie Tea
8 tasting notes

This crazy blend will pick you up. it did it for me.

4 min, 0 sec

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drank The Road To Hana by Indie Tea
6119 tasting notes

Backlog (from this past week). I had a recollection of enjoying this tea, which apparently was incorrect, according to my previous note…. but that also fits with how I felt about this tea when I drank it this week – kind of metallic and flavourless, with a bit of soapiness possibly from the coconut flakes. Oh well.

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drank The Road To Hana by Indie Tea
6119 tasting notes

Hmm, perhaps I understeeped this one. In spite of the big pieces of mango and coconut, I didn’t get much beyond a general hay-flavour of the white tea, which wasn’t as tasty as I was hoping either. I’ll give it another shot, but currently not too impressed… and I had high hopes for this one!

ETA: :( Second infusion primarily tastes like hibiscus, though it’s quite a tame level of it. I remain disappointed.

2 min, 0 sec

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drank Poppy Fields by Indie Tea
6119 tasting notes

Also not super impressed… I can taste too much of the gag-worthy chamomile flavour that I quite dislike in this one. I’ve found that I can actually tolerate it in most loose leaf blends, but for some reason, it’s really not working here. However, this was probably the best of the three teas that I did try, as there were other flavours going on as well. I’ll have to write a better tasting note next time though, as I no longer remember all my thoughts on it.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Lover's Lane by Indie Tea
6119 tasting notes

Unfortunately, not impressed with this tea :( The lavender is very overwhelming, and becomes more potent when iced. I do think that this might be improved by adding sweetener, however, or perhaps some lemon juice to make a lavender lemonade, but I really can’t taste any of the other flavours. Big miss for me, sadly.

ETA: Second infusion = still lavender. Blech.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

On the other hand, lavender lemonade sounds fantastic!


Yes, it does! Possibly mostly because lemonade sounds fantastic :D But if it can help me make a low-sugar lemonade, I’m in!

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drank Crazy Earl by Indie Tea
4843 tasting notes


A really interesting take on the classic Earl Grey. Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending it my way!

The black tea is a brisk yet smooth tea with hints of pepper to it. The bergamot is a softer bergamot, and the additional citrus notes seem to soften the bergamot to produce more of a citrus medley than a distinct bergamot taste.

Here’s my full-length review of this one:

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drank Masquerade by Indie Tea
2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 169. A few tea samples into my cupboard from the traveling teabox (which left my possession today), a few teas out that left with the tea box. This was a sample I took out for my evening tea.

This is decidedly fine. The flavors are muted, and it’s just kind of fruity. Not medicinal, thankfully, but not distinctive either. I drank the whole pot, though, so I guess it was tasty enough.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Mad Tea Party by Indie Tea
4843 tasting notes


I brewed this as a black tea rather than as a pu-erh, but fortunately it did not come out too earthy. The aroma is more earthy than the flavor. Allow the tea to cool slightly to get the chocolate, cherry and chili notes to emerge. It’s really an interesting and tasty blend. Nice.

Here’s my full-length review:

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drank Masquerade by Indie Tea
4339 tasting notes

Another one from the traveling tea box. Thanks! Maybe something is off with my taste buds today, but I wasn’t getting anything at all here. It certainly tastes like rooibos to me. But it had a flavor that kind of reminds me of plastic grocery store bags… which sounds terrible but isn’t.. maybe edible grocery store bags? I’m sad I wasn’t finding any apricot or vanilla. I love red rooibos but green rooibos, not so much for some reason. Maybe that’s the culprit. This is funny but TeaEqualsBliss included this in the teabox and her Adagio custom blend that she sent me a while back that has rooibos apricot & vanilla is much much tastier! It’s funny that this one reminded me of that one!

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drank Mad Tea Party by Indie Tea
6 tasting notes

So this is my first pu-erh~
I didn’t really get a sweet taste like I thought it was going to be. Not that its a bad thing I just was expecting a chocolately land of wonder. lol
It’s very smooth and has a small gently sweetness to it.
It smells nice like chocolate but with the pu-erh coming through more.
It leaves anice taste in your mouth afterwards. I feel as though this would go well with any vanilla or chocolate sweets. Drinking this makes me want to have some snickerdoodles for some reason!

The cherry does come through. I was hopping for more of a kick from the chile peppers though, I don’t really taste them come through.

This tea is very good though I’d buy it again and serve it with some tasty treats though.
As you rink it more it gets sweeter which is fun. It’s a good buy. :]

*To taste the chocolate more softly smack your tounge against the roof of your mouth (with it open)

-NOTE: Since you don’t get th same flavour everytime with this tea (because you don’t get the same amount of chocolate with every cup) you could add some more vegan chocolate to it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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With a name like this – how can I not try it?
PLUS it’s a ChariTEA!

I was a little hesitant that it was going to be too tart because of the hibiscus but Indie Tea does the dreaded “H” right! It does a ‘body good’ I guess! It all works well! I’m very grateful for that! It’s slightly tart but two types of tart – one from the Hibiscus and the other from the Cran…they are different but good…almost a yin and a yang of sorts.

I think the peppercorns help it along as well. They are NOT overpowering but are a nice, subtle addition. And the honkin’ huge rose in there is a nice touch! This is just lovely!

Hesper June

I nervously giggled out loud when I read the name:)


HAHAHAHA!!! I had to make sure I was reading it right :) Awesome!


OK, could not stop laughing when I read this … even the “honkin’ huge rose” part made me laugh.

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drank The Labyrinth by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

I had this one Friday and REALLY liked it. I wasn’t thinking I would like it all that much because of the herbal combo but paired with the white tea base and how it all jived this is a dandy flavored white herbal tea! The Goji Berries are perfect with everything else, too!

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drank Smarty Pants by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

I was interested in trying this one because of the Mint and Lemon Verbena! But I was also curious because of the other ingredients and the NAME. One of the many reasons I LOVE Indie Tea!!!! The Names, the Product Descriptions, the Art! It’s all really wonderful! Organic and Vegan ingredients are a plus, too!

Gotu Kola – I have had before but wanted to learn more about it so I did by reading this link

I wasn’t as familiar with Brahmi so I looked that up, too!

All of these ingredients serve a purpose – or more than one purpose – and all make sense in this blend of herbals. WHO’S the SMARTY PANTS, now, Indie Tea!? Nicely done, btw! This Herbal Tisane Flavor is VERY pleasing. In addition to the Lemon/Mint Combo there is a bit of ginger shining thru as well as Tulsi! Very nice!

This tisane shines bright!


love learning about new companies from you :)


Awww thanks! Indie Tea is in the heart of Vegas! Super Cool Company!


Packaging looks like a lot of fun. I may need to see if i can give them a try at some point heh

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My mother always said I was a ‘TEEN’ in the wrong decade! Sure…I was a 70s Baby but I wasn’t of age in the 60s or 70s to participate in Woodstock, Hippie Gatherings, and Communal Living. I probably would have – had I been given the opportunity! So when I saw this tea I KNEW I HAD to try it!

I know you’re not supposed to judge a tea by it’s name but I sort of DID with this one. Usually I’m not one to ‘yank’ a floral tea off the shelf or specifically order one but this tea NAME had me a Peace/Love/Happy.

This is made up of Green Tea, Jasmine, and Chrysanthemums.

It infuses to a gentle orange/tan color. I can smell and taste both of the flower ingredients. It’s both florally-sweet and semi-florally-bitter. It’s a nice yin an yang of sorts.

This is fantastic for a floral tea. It really is.
Groovy Man…


Far out.


I’m totally a sucker for buying tea based on its name, its packaging, or he description on the label. If it inspires while you drink it, that’s a bonus!


Lol I think I was born in the wrong decade too!

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drank Masquerade by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

I received a buttload of this from Indie and I’m so grateful to try this! I’ve always loved their tins and blends and creativeness behind each one!

At first sniff I can smell the Green and Red Rooibos Combo paired with the Sunflowers. It’s a different sort of aroma but it grew on me quickly. The color is an oranger-type rooibosy color. It’s very pretty.

This is sweet and vanilla and apricot flavored for sure but not overly-so. It has lovely floral notes that are just-right. The vanilla does help dilute the floral notes and smooths it out nicely.

YUM! This is nifty!

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drank Ball & Chain by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

Just had a triple shot of this – LOTS of loose leaf at less time – just for kicks! Hearty but good! See other notes!

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drank Ball & Chain by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

I’ve been overly obsessed with Medjool Dates and Almond Butter Lately

So when I saw this flavored Oolong – I KNEW I had to try it!

Prior to infusing this smelled like sugary dates underneath a charcoal type oolong. Once infused it smelled more like a toasted/roasted oolong with a bit of sugar dates aroma.

Once I started sipping I could taste a strong toasted/roasted/charcoal type oolong base with a bit of floral and nutty hints as well as a slight rich yet sugary dates type taste. As it cools a bit more I can start tasting the dates a bit more but they are subtle.

I do really like this. I was hoping for more date-flavor but it’s still quite good, regardless. Perhaps I should just make sure there are more Date Chunks in my next cuppa!

PS: Also as it cools a bit – I’m starting to taste some cocoa flavors, too! Now THAT’S interesting!

Ashley Bain

dates and almond butter? that sounds like a yummy healthy snack. gotta try that.

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drank Mad Tea Party by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking more and more of this! Almost gone…WOW…a nicely flavored pu-erh! Yesterday’s cuppa was even a little spicy! Backlogging…see other notes!

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drank Mad Tea Party by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes


First…this is VEGAN.

2nd…check out these ingredients! What an interesting Combo! Pu-erh, Vegan Chocolate Chips, Cane Juice, Chocolate, cocoa butter, vanilla, cherries, chile peppers, etc.

Once infused it does smell like pu-erh and chocolate, mostly. It’s stronger than before infusion, too! Prior to infusing I could smell a bit of cherry as well.

It’s infuses to a dark brown.

First sip…YUM! Smooth, sugary-smooth, chocolaty! Creamy! Vanilla-Creamy-smooth! As I continue to sip I can pick up a bit more on the cherry notes. They are subtle but the creamy texture and flavors shine. The chocolate and vanilla contribute to that. But I can taste the chocolate more than the vanilla.

Oddly…I can taste the Chipotle Chiles right smack dab in the middle of the sip – they poop in and out really quick. They don’t linger and they are subtle but fascinating!

I seriously LOVE this. Perhaps just as much for the texture as the taste. Sure – more chocolate is always welcome – but this has a nice amount featured in it.

Lovely! Wonderful! Pure delight! Excellent blend of flavors! WOW!


Sounds yummy!!!

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drank Crazy Earl by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

I’m barreling thru this one way too fast. See other notes

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drank Crazy Earl by Indie Tea
6768 tasting notes

Started by day with this again :)

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