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drank Melocotón e hibisco by Fuze
346 tasting notes

Gave up drinking commercial ice tea years ago, as I most often don´t identify any good tea in them. Op top of that, they are almost always way too sweet(ened) so they don´t really quench your thirst. Therefore, I didn´t know this brand, and I don´t know either whether it had a proper product line before entering teh Coca Cola group. Anyway, this bottle was part of a pack of products I got at a low price at ny supermarket, so obviously, I tasted it. Honnestly, I had feared worse ;-) Yes, it´s very sweet (how they dare to fool us saying it is “low in calories”!!!), the peach stands out and you can even tell the black tea backbone, but I´ll stick to my home made ice teas, thank you!

Flavors: Peach, Sweet, Tea


I bought a sweet tea on a trip once and it was so sweet it was almost syrup. I find Harney and Son’s ready to drink ice tea refresh and they mean it when they say it is lightly sweetened. It is just about perfect! I don’t know if it is available near you, though.

Martin Bednář

Ilse, if you can get Pfanner ice teas, they are definitely better than Fuze or Lipton.
But they can be very sweet too. Afterall, you can read my notes about them as I wrote a few in previous months.

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drank Fuze Unsweetened Tea by Fuze
15 tasting notes

There’s a caveat to my recommendation, and that is, I would recommend this as a tea, if Fuze canned teas were one of the few things around that weren’t water for you to drink. In my case, the lemon one is probably more enticing than this one, but I don’t see that listed on the site. At any rate, I will sometimes get one of these while at work, because they’re readily available in the refrigerators here. It is good, but it is also a canned drink. So perhaps there are tea snobs that won’t find it quite like the tea experience they prefer. Either way, I am drinking one now, so I felt it was fitting to leave a review to say, it is cold and fine to drink, but it’s not something you might fawn over.

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drank Raspberry Iced Tea by Fuze
2994 tasting notes

I’m not actually sure this counts as tea. Technically it is a black tea base, but I suspect for ease of service they use tea concentrate and flavours rather than actually brewing the tea.

Very sweet (I normally use no sweetener, so this was too much for me), raspberry flavour. Very little of the tea base was tastable, unfortunately.

Flavors: Raspberry, Sugar, Sweet

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drank Fuze Unsweetened Tea by Fuze
2977 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea with Honey by Fuze
359 tasting notes

I’m glad to hear the sweetened is good! As a person who doesn’t like sweet iced tea, I’ll never find out for myself. The unsweetened is very good though.


I don’t add ice to it cuz that’d dilute it. It’s good at the served temp.


……………I give up.


I agree!! I haven’t tried the sweetened, but the unsweetened tea at Subway is definitely better than the average fast food tea now that they have changed to FUZE.

My favorite fast food iced is at Moe’s. In my town, they have the iced green tea.

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drank Fuze Unsweetened Tea by Fuze
865 tasting notes

Grabbed this w/ my flat bread sandwhich quick while running around like a chicken w/ my head chopped off shopping for a few last things for my vacation tomorrow.

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drank Fuze Unsweetened Tea by Fuze
865 tasting notes

W/ an Italian BMT w/ extra pickle, lettuce, chipotle southwest dressing, and lite ranch. Toasted.


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drank Fuze Unsweetened Tea by Fuze
865 tasting notes

I had this @ Subway today w/ my sub. Didn’t loook at the cup, but I think this might have both green and black tea in it. The tea itself is just your basic unsweetened iced tea, but this gets a 100 from me because it’s rare I can get unsweetened iced tea when I go out to eat.


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