DeRen Tea

Recent Tasting Notes


This smells dark and spicey, almost meaty. Maybe like brussel sprouts. It’s hard to say but it’s intense and yummy.

Taste: This is a very green green. Brussel sprouts about nails it. There’s also a green sweetness to it. The finish is mid-tongue and still holds that greenness.

Did I mention green?

As you drink more of it a very slight bitterness (again, a green bitterness, again like brussel sprouts) comes out to the back of the mouth and throat. It’s not unpleasant at all; instead, it gives an even fuller taste to the tea.

This may indeed be a buyer. It’s very different from other greens I’ve had… much more green, more full, more rich.

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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