Benner Tea
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A review of Green Tea by Benner
Company: Benner
Tea Name: Green Tea
Tea Type/Varietal: green
Region: China
Steeping Vessel/Amt Leaf: cup/ tea bag
Liquor Color: light brown
Leaf Characteristic:
1st Steeping:
Water Temp: 190
Time: 2 minutes
I purchased this tea while doing grocery shopping at ALDI’s Food Market. They have begun to carry teas other than bottled or Arizona iced tea.
The price is right and the box depicts a lovely tea to be enjoyed, so I purchased it. The tea bags are individually wrapped in plastic. I take one of string tea bag and put this in my cup and adding the boiled water to my cup, leaving it to steep for a few minutes.
Tea’s color is lightly brownish and smells of green tea and when I sip of the tea, it is mildly astringent. I can honestly say that at times I miss and enjoy this flavoring when I come upon it.
2nd Steeping:
Water Temp: 190
Time: 3 minutes
I steep the tea longer with same boiled water and it smells freshly of the green leaves in the tea bag. I like the teas’ aroma and coloring I can honestly say that this is indeed refreshing; as it taste crisp with a mild astringent.
Overall tasting notes: This tea is crisp and a freshly cup of green tea that is mildly astringent. With longer steeps the astringency is more noticeable.
Classification: Year, and region of production; product of China
Cup’s characteristic: fresh and clean cup of green tea
Liquor color: light brown
I used to love this when I started drinking tea, but now it’s hard to drink. Granted, now it tastes more like old tea that’s been in the cupboard for too long than anything else, but the green tea flavor that does exist is bland and there’s not much else going on.
I found the aroma better than the flavor. It’s ok, but nothing great.
This tea has such a wonderful aroma that my boyfriend wishes it were bottled as perfume so he could smell it all the time! The taste is actually very mild, even after being steeped for a long time—faintly sweet with an aftertaste of fruit and flowers, and very little of green tea’s characteristic sharpness. It tastes almost like an herbal tea rather than a green.
The tea is a pretty generic bagged orange pekoe; it’s filled with fine-particled tea dust and it doesn’t have much of an odor beyon a bit of the generic tea smell. The tea brewed up quite dark but I found the flavour disapointing. It was quite weak and unremarkable with a very ‘flat’ flavour profile. Maybe it was a mistake to add milk to this, as that seem to be mostly what I’m tasting.
I got a bag of (what I’m assuming is) this from the Traveling Tea Box and it’s not bad. It wasn’t marked, so I don’t know for sure if it’s orange pekoe but it’s a black blend. Pretty generic but it does the job… I’m on my second cup of the day so I wasn’t feeling very fancy this go ‘round. I’d say it’s on par with any other basic store-bought black tea blend.
Having tried Republic of Tea’s ginger peach black tea, I had to try out this “budget” version (24 bags for $1.99 at Aldi). This was a pleasant surprise! Beware of oversteeping – I steeped maybe a tad over 5 minutes, and the black tea flavor was getting a little bitter. This had a nice ginger peach flavor that didn’t taste overpowering or artificial.
At $1.19 for 24 bags, I had to give this a try at our inaugural trip to Aldi. I didn’t really expect much, and this isn’t really anything special, but it isn’t bad. The scent is very fruity, but I didn’t really taste a lot of fruitiness in the brewed tea. I will drink more of it, but it’s not likely to become a favorite. I think it would be better iced. A better pick would be Bigelow’s green tea with mango.
I made some more iced tea with this – as an experiment I was heavy with this tea and light on my Earl Grey Melange – and the iced tea suffered. It tasted flat and bland comparatively. Now I know – a little filler – perhaps one third – is great. Half is very good. More than half – disappointing!!!
This is the tea I keep around to dye textiles, BUT I used 4 of these teabags along with 2 tablespoons of my Earl Grey Melange to make some cold brewed iced tea. It was very good!! The addition of the finer tea plus the cold brew method feature this tea to its best advantage (to be honest, I’ve never had it hot, so for all I know it makes a great cup of hot tea! Feel free to ignore me!!). I will certainly use this again to add a little filler to my iced tea!
This is a pretty nondescript, mild tea. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it really doesn’t stand out. The lemony aftertaste is reasonably pleasant.
I still stand by my original thoughts from 8 months ago…I donated this to the “office” because it was like $2 for 100 bags…for that I will certainly say it’s a good tea but it’s not gourmet by any means. Still better than no tea – ya know!?
Great idea! I actually save my tea bags and dry them out – want to use them for crafts but haven’t made anything from them yet…I should get a move-on tho! I have LOTS piling up! LOL