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The other flavour I ended up getting at the liquidation sale. This one is ok. I still prefer the original lemon flavour though. This one is quite sweet, it is definitely raspberry tasting. I know it says it is all natural flavouring but it doesn’t taste like natural raspberry. That being said it is not a bad raspberry taste. It is definitely thirst quenching. The actual tea base is quite hidden by the raspberry flavour but it is still present, smooth and cold as always.
I always try to snag the honey/ginseng and apple/ginseng whenever they went on sale, but it appears that they may not even carry the latter anymore. Oh well.
Maybe by natural raspberry they mean castoreum, because technically, I guess you can say the flavouring is “natural.” :/
Ha ha, so true about the “natural” flavouring. I have never tried the Arizona ginseng teas, but I am not a huge fan of the taste of ginseng so that is what keeps me avoiding them. I know you can buy crates of the honey ginseng at Costco (my local one anyway). I have never seen the apple ginseng one.
As a side note, there is a ridiculous new “reality” tv show called Appalachian Outlaws about people who (somewhat illegally) harvest ginseng in the US. HA!
So here in Canada, we have a store call Liquidation World. It is essentially exactly what is sounds like. It buys poducts from stores that are going out of business, looking to get rid of product, etc, and sell it for super cheap. Liquidation World was recently acquired by the American Big Lots. Then Big Lots decided to close all of its stores (US and Canada – even though the Canadian stores were making tonnes of profit, I guess it wasn’t enough to keep the empire afloat). BOO!!!
I have some family members that love Liquidation World. You can usually find some really good deals, although most of the products are not always good quality and the expiry dates on the food are not too far away. But you can always find interesting things you can’t get anywhere else.
So I went on boxing day and they had a few kinds of Arizona iced tea on the cheap. So I stocked up. I love Arizona tea, it is real iced tea which is hard to come by in a can or bottle in Canada. And it is usually quite expensive, due to the monster size can.
This tastes lovely. A bit sweeter than I would like though. The black tea is strong but not astringent. It tastes like a Ceylon but I am not sure. There is definitely an artificial lemon flavour, but it is still delicious. Everything a canned iced tea should be. The only drawback is it is a huge 695 ml can. I read online that they now have 8oz cans in the US. But I think I will get over it.
My roommate loves these, though when I tell him he’s drinking actual tea and not artificial/sugar filled junk like Nestea he denies it. Pretty sure he just doesn’t want to admit to A) Being Wrong and B) Enjoying real tea :p
Ha ha, that’s funny. I am sure there is just as much sugar in these as there is in Nestea, but to me it still totally tastes different. You can tell this is real tea. Or maybe my taste buds are just wired to taste tea.
How much were they? I haven’t been to a Liquidation World since high school!
I actually don’t mind these, especially the honey one, and the apple one too.