Followed by 11 Tea Drinkers

LuckyMe 207 followers

My Rating Criteria: 95 to 100: Top shelf stuff. Loved this tea and highly r...

Roswell Strange 615 followers

Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros ...

eastkyteaguy 215 followers

My grading criteria for tea is as follows: 90-100: Exceptional. I love this s...

Tiffany :) 57 followers

2024: January sipdown: 24 / giveaways (tea + 1 teaware): 13 February sipdown:...

derk 201 followers

This place, like the rest of the internet, is dead and overrun with bots. Ye...

Kawaii433 66 followers

Longtime casual tea drinker. In the past, mainly Matcha, Gyokuro, Sencha, Gen...

cube 33 followers

I’ve been drinking tea as a hobby for a few years, thought I should finally s...

DrowningMySorrows 27 followers

I may have a mild to moderate tea addiction. Black, white, green, pu-erh, it ...
