Bought this tea on a trip to Berlin. The seller recommended the Saejak. Lucky me, we got to compare them before buying, really like the service of this shop! The Saejak felt cleaner, especially when comparing the leaves post-brewing. However i coulnd´t justify the Saejak having twice the price. The difference in the aroma (pre-brewing) and the taste of the brew wasnt that convincing.
I should add that since we live in Norway it was quite a difference tasting the tea in Berlin compared to brewing it up in my hometown of Bergen. Got a lot less of the musky odor post-brewing and a more intense brew in itself. Yay for Norwegian water!

Onto the Daejak (Maia´s pick), it quickly became one of my favourites. An oily texture, initial notes of toasted sesamy, a bit of peanut butter and a woody note. Then more of the vegetal notes reminicent of japanese tea.
Would definitely recommend this one if you like the toastiness of chinese green tea, but like the balance of japanese tea.

Flavors: Green Wood, Toasted, Vegetal

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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