1598 Tasting Notes

drank Orange Kidd by Lupicia
1598 tasting notes

Here’s my sipdown for the evening! I drank it hot and was a little disappointed with it. It definitely works better iced! (158) I’m happy to have tried it though!

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Backlog: (cleaning up old teas from my cupboard that are long gone!)
I didn’t like the rose in this. It just wasn’t for me, although ocassionally rose is done well.) Thanks anyway, Sil!


a rose tea by any name would still be a rose tea i don’t wanna drink :)

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Backlog: Here’s another one I drank several iced cups of, and enjoyed quite a bit! It didn’t blow my mind, but the price was reasonable and it makes a decent summer tea!

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Backlog: I cold-brewed it but it was too tart/bitter for me to drink unless I added in more sugar than I would prefer to drink. Too bad! Maybe I need to experiment with another sample!

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I can taste pear! Crisp, ripe pear!
Sadly I can also taste rooibos. Lots of woodsy rooibos. :| Enjoyable overall but I wouldn’t want more.

Thanks VariaTEA for letting me try it out though!

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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drank Cotton Candy by DAVIDsTEA
1598 tasting notes

Here’s another one I bought today that I totally didn’t need, but… was curious about? This is actually the second steep because I gave the first to a friend, but it was still spot-on – just less sweet. I think 30g is enough though. It’ll be perfect when I’m craving something sweet!

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I had a cup of this earlier today as we sat in our icy-cold basement and I wanted to warm up a bit. ;P (Best complaints for the summer?) It was really good, considering root beer should be cold. I could taste the sasparilla and other spices – but they weren’t overwhelming.

Yes. So good. I might (might?) get a tin of this for the summer! The hype was right!

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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Thanks Sil for this sample. I enjoyed it and it helped me decide to order from TTC.

I drank the last of this with Lot 306 to see if I could notice any differences, but to be honest, I didn’t. They were both so simliar and I couldn’t quit describe the differences. I think until my palette becomes better refined I’m better served buying whichever one is cheaper! :D



I didn’t think the lots had different prices unless they are in fact different teas. Ill have to pay attention next time. :)


I didn’t actually check? :p But I did now. And Lot 152 is long gone.
so I guess it’s reassuring that they’re similar if I wanted to reorder from a different lot than what I sampled!

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