467 Tasting Notes


I have to say that I haven’t reviewed any bottled teas before and rarely drink them. However, I have recently become addicted to kombucha. It has an interesting flavor that I can’t really describe. Someone else told me they thought it tasted like a soda pop for adults. There is a little almost a vinegar-y or cider-y taste. There are lots of different flavors and have enjoyed them all.

This tea is made with the kombucha mushroom and is fermented so it has lots of good probiotics. Yummy and good for you.

The important thing to remember is … DON’T SHAKE IT! It looks like a juice and has bits of stuff floating around. It looks like it is just asking to be shaken. But it is lightly carbonated. The first time I had it was in the car… saw stuff floating around.. gave a good shake … opened it… foam spewing out all over my hands, lap, car seat, steering wheel…ahhhhhhh!

It’s expensive… about $3.50 a 16 oz. bottle, but I have really been enjoying it. So for me it’s worth it. There are some calories between 35-50 per 8 oz. depending on the flavors/brands. That is my limiting factor. So I can’t have more than one every day or two. Otherwise I think I would be totally pigging out on this.

Flavors: Astringent, Ginger, Lemon, Raspberry


I am a fan of kombucha too!


I have been making something very similar called water kefir. My last batch was in a tight swing top bottle and when I went to burp it….WHOOSH! Foam and fizz everywhere! I find it easier to make than kombucha and the taste and benefits are quite similar. It adds a little excitement to life when it is time to burp the bottles on the second ferment!

Sami Kelsh

I’ve been making water kefir for a couple weeks too, ashmanra! I really like it with a couple of dried cherries thrown in – like weirdly pleasant, mildly fizzy cider. When I tried kombucha a few years ago it was rather too full-on for me, but maybe I could be persuaded to give it another go?

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drank Rhubarb Splash by Tealux
467 tasting notes

From the Not My Cup O’ Tea TTB

Fruity but not particularly rhubarb. I wouldn’t choose this if I were looking for rhubarb but it is ok as a fruity beverage which can be just fine.

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From the Not MY Cup O’ Tea TTB

Tasty milk oolong. subtle milk/creaminess going on. Doesn’t have the artificial milk flavoring that I find in some milk oolongs. Slightly floral. Quite lovely. I wonder how high the caffeine level is in this. I guess I’ll just have to look it up. I can see this being a good evening tea if it’s not too caffeinated.

Flavors: Floral, Green, Milk

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Kaga Bocha by Lupicia
467 tasting notes

From the Not My Cup O’ Tea TTB
This is an interesting tea for me. I haven’t had anything like this before. The closest I’ve had is genmaicha which I really enjoy. I sense a little astringency in the aftertaste but no bitterness. This is enjoyable and I think I’m going to take this packet out of the TTB! I think this is my cup o’ tea. :D

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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In the Not My Cup O’ Tea TTB

Peach Apricot Black Tea
There was no company name on the package. It is in a black envelope with a white oval label and an oval window to see the leaf. I wish there was info on the tea because I really like it. I made a cold brew and I am really enjoying it. Mild peach apricot flavor with a nice black base. Great for a summer day.

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From the Not My Cup of Tea TTB

It’s not my cup of tea. I may have underleafed when brewing. It had a stronger scent in the bag but was rather wimpy when brewed. I’ll reserved a rating/recommendation until I try it again.

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I had a very interesting iced tea at the Windy City Ribfest today. Fig Vanilla Black Pepper. Sounds strange but it works. Fig is one of my favorite flavors so I just had to try it. It is rather sweet as many fig teas are with the vanilla coming in second. It had a somewhat cream soda taste. I could barely taste any black pepper…. maybe just enough to keep it from being cloyingly sweet. (The tea was pre-sweetened). Too bad I can’t have more but it was just a street vender guy who didn’t really have any info on a site or anything.

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What a beautiful day it has been! I am relaxing on my deck overlooking the pond, watching the herons and egrets gobbling up fish, the frogs hopping and the song birds sing. I’m having a lovely tumbler of iced CreativiTea. Lovely mix of flavors. Nice and relaxing on a summer evening! Yummy!


Sounds lovely! It is so hot here that I just took a jug of ice out to the chicken coop to help the girls cool off tonight. It wouldn’t feel very good to sit outside for long. Hoping for a little cool down soon.

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
467 tasting notes

This is one dependable tea. No matter what I do to it, I get a great cuppa. I started this off as a hot tea, left a bunch in the teapot, turned it into an iced tea. Re-steeped it several times. Yummy! I’ve been drinking it all day and enjoying every cup. Gotta love those nice everyday teas that I keep stocked in my cupboard.

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Retired first grade teacher. I tend to like dessert type/herbal teas as a substitute for sweet treats; flavored black teas and mates to get that energy that I am often lacking ;-p
My husband of 43 years thinks I’m nuts regarding the whole tea thing… but he bought me a Breville for Christmas, so what can I say. :-D
My other interests are reading (books go well with tea :D) and beading. I volunteer at my “old” school teaching reading and I volunteer for the blind. I am trying hard to lose weight ( I have now lost 40 lbs and I’m looking good in my skinny jeans, IMHO) I am now walking about 4.5 miles a day and I am trying to do some core work for about 30 min. 3x a week.

I have been watching Doctor Who for 33years. In case you can’t tell my avatar is two daleks drinking tea! I am always open to swapping Doctor Who books for tea. I have about 120 Doctor Who books that I am eager to send some to a fan. :D Let me know if you would like any books! I love that so many people have begun watching DW!

Also I love swaps, pm me if you’d like to do a swap.

Since I find others’ rating legends helpful, I added my own.

95-100 A once in a lifetime experience; the best there is; will keep this stocked until the cows come home

90-94 First rate; top notch; really terrific; will definitely buy more

80-89 Excellent; likely to become a favorite, will likely buy more

70-79 Very good; would enjoy again, might buy again if in the mood for this particular one or a better, similar version not available or it’s on a really good sale :-)

50-69 Good; wouldn’t pass up if offered, but probably wouldn’t buy again unless craving this particular flavor

Below 50 Meh! Wouldn’t bother drinking it again.


Elgin IL

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