drank Toffee Dream by Zen Tea
467 tasting notes

Thanks to the TTB-C R2 I was able to sample another lovely tea. I love toffee and this is only mildly toffee. It is good and the white tea base is a change from the common black dessert teas. I would love a little more toffee, but I’m crazy. I added a bit of stevia (Ah, my old friend) It’s nice and the toffee flavor becomes a bit more prominent. I probably wouldn’t keep it in my cupboard but I would always drink a cup if it were in a swap or TTB.
My husband and I got back from our mini vacation. I did a LOT of walking and my sprained knee handled it well. I’m not sore at all. I am still wearing a brace but more for additional support. YEAH!!! I’m so glad to be back to being able to exercise. And yes, I’m still taking breaks and being careful with it. I don’t want to have to start over again!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Retired first grade teacher. I tend to like dessert type/herbal teas as a substitute for sweet treats; flavored black teas and mates to get that energy that I am often lacking ;-p
My husband of 43 years thinks I’m nuts regarding the whole tea thing… but he bought me a Breville for Christmas, so what can I say. :-D
My other interests are reading (books go well with tea :D) and beading. I volunteer at my “old” school teaching reading and I volunteer for the blind. I am trying hard to lose weight ( I have now lost 40 lbs and I’m looking good in my skinny jeans, IMHO) I am now walking about 4.5 miles a day and I am trying to do some core work for about 30 min. 3x a week.

I have been watching Doctor Who for 33years. In case you can’t tell my avatar is two daleks drinking tea! I am always open to swapping Doctor Who books for tea. I have about 120 Doctor Who books that I am eager to send some to a fan. :D Let me know if you would like any books! I love that so many people have begun watching DW!

Also I love swaps, pm me if you’d like to do a swap.

Since I find others’ rating legends helpful, I added my own.

95-100 A once in a lifetime experience; the best there is; will keep this stocked until the cows come home

90-94 First rate; top notch; really terrific; will definitely buy more

80-89 Excellent; likely to become a favorite, will likely buy more

70-79 Very good; would enjoy again, might buy again if in the mood for this particular one or a better, similar version not available or it’s on a really good sale :-)

50-69 Good; wouldn’t pass up if offered, but probably wouldn’t buy again unless craving this particular flavor

Below 50 Meh! Wouldn’t bother drinking it again.


Elgin IL

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