14 Tasting Notes


The final tea in the first month of my tea tasting experiment came from a new company to me, Tea Gschwendner. As for this particular tea, I was a little disappointed. It has an almost overpowering citrus scent, but the actual citrus flavor left much to be desired. It was a decent tea, but compared to the scent it gives off it was very tame. There was almost no orange flavor and the Ceylon tea they used as a base isn’t remarkable. It calls for a shorter steep time than I would normal do, but didn’t get bitter when I left it in a little longer than they recommend. Overall it was a decent tea, but nothing to write home about.

See all my reviews and more at http://teageek.org

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Wow! This was a lot better than I was expecting. Maybe because of the poor reputation for tea and England in the States, I always thought that “Earl Grey” would be dull and bland. How wrong I was! The sweet citrus smell given off by the tea leads to an equally pleasing taste. Definitely the most tasteful black tea of the Adagio sampler I have been going through. I wish I could tell you how it tasted with a little milk and sugar, I enjoyed it so much plain that I didn’t want to try it! Probably the Black tea I will be recommending to new tea drinkers, not once did I get even a hint of bitterness off it.

See all my reviews at http://teageek.org

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drank Yunnan Jig by Adagio Teas
14 tasting notes

My second attempt at new black teas was Yunnan Jig. After the pleasant surprise of enjoying last week’s English Breakfast so much, maybe my expectations were just too high. Yunnan Jig had a little bit sweeter smell than some black teas, but other than that nothing really jumped out at me. It wasn’t too bitter, although it did have the slight hint that accompanies some black teas. There just didn’t seem to be anything going for it. I was also disappointed that there was no sweetness that I was expecting given its aroma. While I didn’t mind drinking it, it wasn’t something that I was really enjoying either. Definitely a mellow black tea, I found it a little lacking.

See all my reviews at http://teageek.org

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While I normally enjoy lighter teas – green being my favorite, I decided to try some black teas this month and my first pick was adagio’s “English Breakfast.” From first brew you can tell it is a strong black tea. It had a very strong aroma – not sweet at all, but still pleasant. It tasted a lot like what you would expect. It isn’t sweet like the green teas I have tried, but it also didn’t have quite as much “bite” as some other black teas. I found that I enjoyed it best as a pick me up in the morning. I also really enjoyed it in the afternoon with just a little bit of milk and sugar. The milk and sugar really ease out the last hint of bitterness and make for a really smooth cup. It actually reminded me quite a bit of coffee, and might make for a good “transition tea” for anybody trying to switch. One note: be careful when you brew it, even a little extra time can make it very bitter very fast.

See all my reviews: http://teageek.org

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My name is Brent Swisher, and I love tea.

About a year ago I really got into loose leaf teas. As part of my 2010 New Years resolutions, I will be trying a different tea every week and blogging my opinion on it. If you want to follow along, Check out http://teageek.org

Hopefully, you can read and enjoy it, and maybe we can both learn a little about tea along the way!


Grand Rapids, MI

