drank Pear by Southern Boy Teas
150 tasting notes

Am I the only one who finds the directions for brewing SBT confusing? Maybe I’m just overthinking it. In any case, I ended up steeping this tea twice to make 2 quarts because the first steep didn’t really seem to taste like anything and then for some reason I thought I’d done it wrong.

Anyhow, I understand the comments about a candy flavor. There’s a hint of hard candy in the way this tastes. The pear flavor is more like an aftertaste and reminds me of the part of the fruit closest to the core, just a little bitter. I don’t think I’d order this one again. Mostly because I’ve enjoyed other SBTs a lot more.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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I’ve just recently discovered the world of loose tea and am really enjoying myself. I’m still in SAMPLE EVERYTHING mode, and likely always will be.

I love green teas, chai, and citrus flavors. I don’t mind hibiscus. I will drink a bitter green tea, but won’t drink bitter black tea. I’m working on figuring out which black teas work for me.

I tend to drink my tea without milk or sugar.

I’m using Steepster’s Cupboard function to actually reflect my current tea stock, otherwise I’d never be able to remember what I already have.

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