Doulton ‘s review1 of this tea pretty much sums up my feelings. I had to really work to enjoy this. I opened the packet and inhaled. The fragrance is light, fresh, green, very subtle. Not green like freshly cut grass, but green like young. When steeped, the fragrance is a bit stronger, but not much. The flavour is like the fragrance. I felt kind of bad drinking it, really, as if by leaving it in my cupboard, it’d continue to mature: so, little tea, what would you like to be when you grow up? I’m thinking my palate’s just not sophisticated enough for this one.
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Footnotes! How did you do that?
Footnotes: add the footnote number in [ ] brackets. Then, at the bottom, use “fn#” for the footnote. So [ 1 ] (without the spaces) will link to fn1. More info on the Textile reference page at
Neat! I will remember this. Thank you.