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I was born at an early age and raised by the finest laboratory gear obtainable. My Father is a #4 petry dish and my dear mother is a fine pyrex 30 ML test tube.

Regardless of any lack of breading and social culture, I love tea, music, art, history and RF/AF electronics.

My favourite tea is Darjeeling. FRESh 1 st flush from higher estates, and my dream is to acquire a kilo of Happy Valley first flush black tea (SFTGFOP1) within a week of final packaging. For this I will part with an int4ernal organ; —e.g., a kidney, gall bladder, appendix, liver, adrenal gland, spleen, heart and brain. Obviously for a my liver, I shall require my ultimate tea. Alas, morality forces me to disclose that the trade would not be equal.
