Okay – Steepsters … I LOVE almond cookies. I always buy any almond cookie tea I can get my hands on. Usually they are in the form of a tisane, which is okay and all but come on I WANT TEA … well – this is IT!
This is THE tea!
I think I could safely say if I could have only ONE tea (which honestly would be a nightmare) but still … this would be it!
First its SENCHA and a good sencha at that. I can taste the tea in this blend!
Its buttery which offers the best backdrop for this flavor!
OMG THANK YOU Georgia Tea Company!
Full review on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 4th of March but here are snippits:
Holy Almond Cookie! Almond Cookies from Georgia Tea Company has really made me fall in love! Georgia Tea Company – be put on notice, I will be making an order with you again soon!
I can taste the almond, obviously, the green tea gives a wonderful flavor and a healthy base, and yet I swear I can taste the crispy crumbly cookie in here too! You know how good almond cookies have that buttery, crispy, crumbly texture? That is this tea! And if I had to describe this tea any other way I would go with vanilla cake batter.
This sounds really good. I recently added this one to my shopping list, it looks like it has almonds in it too. http://steepster.com/teas/not-just-tea/35476-butter-cookie
haha. There are times when I just want to eat things out of the tea jar but I restrain myself. Especially little white chocolate pieces. ha.
This sounds really good. I recently added this one to my shopping list, it looks like it has almonds in it too. http://steepster.com/teas/not-just-tea/35476-butter-cookie
I would eat all the almonds out of it :)
haha. There are times when I just want to eat things out of the tea jar but I restrain myself. Especially little white chocolate pieces. ha.
LOL I eat them :)