drank Lemon Souffle by White Lion
807 tasting notes

Full Review forthcoming on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 25th – here are the snippits:

I have searched high and low for a tea like Lemon Souffle from White Lion. This tea is exceptional. I knew I wanted something creamy, because I am a big fan of lemon desserts, and I knew I wanted something some what sweet for that reason.

The vanilla and caramel essence do not take over the cup, but rather play supporting roles, helping the tea taste like a lemon creme brulee or lemon cream tart.

I had ordered only two sampler sized teas from White Lion and the box I received was simply awe inspiring!

Customer Service from White Lion has been excellent thus far.

If you want a tea, in a tasty white base, that reminds you of a gourmet lemon cream dessert, then don’t hesitate to try Lemon Souffle from White Lion. You will feel like royalty when you open your box, and be quite pleased with yourself for placing an order when you sip their teas!

Show 12 previous comments...
Ellyn 12 years ago

This sounds SO GOOD!

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Adding this one to my list, your review just made me hungry for something sweet!

Azzrian 12 years ago

Ellyn it really is excellent – I can’t wait to get my larger order! Josie Jade – lol sorry to cause a sweet tooth :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

I just put in an order because of this review!!! I had been thinking about a lemon tea after having loved the lime chiffon so much. But my husband would have a fit if another box came from Della Terra so soon. When I read this review I decided to try White Lion! So excited, can’t wait!!!

Azzrian 12 years ago

Ohhh please PM me and let me know what you think of the package when it comes. I was pretty impressed by the packaging alone lol – but I would love to know what you think of this tea too! :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

I just ordered the sample sizes of the lemon souffle, the fireside, the ginger peach, the pomegranete oolong, and vanilla dolce, but I can’t wait to get them! I’ll let you know what I think.

Azzrian 12 years ago

Oh I have the Vanilla Dolce on the way as well. I can’t wait to try that! I think I got a sample of the ginger peach as well.
I can’t wait to get those cute glass containers too :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

Does the samples come in a container or just a foil bag? I thought the containers was 4oz or more.

Azzrian 12 years ago

My samples came in the tins pictured above and with the tea listing. I took that pic.
I had thought the samples came in the glass jars as well – little ones – and they may because I know they were out of the larger glass jars. I have been waiting for them to get restocked for my order as I did not want the plastic containers they offered in replacement.

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

Now I really can’t wait! Sometimes I’m like a kid at Christmas. I know the postman thinks I’m nuts, when I’m waiting on something I run out to meet him. My husbands always getting things in the mail for the corvette, so I’ll yell is it light or heavy when he reaches for a package. If he says light – I raise my hands and yells " YES "! He just laughs, shakes he’s head as he pulls out the drive.

Azzrian 12 years ago

I LITERALLY LOL’d! :) That is awesome! I am sure my mailman, UPS guy, and FED ex guy all think I am involved in something really huge haha. Getting packages from all over the world more or less. He probably thinks I’m really wealthy haha then again he knows I don’t live in a wealthy neighborhood! :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

Lol!! I know my family teases me when I get out the scale. Their like “Are you sure that’s tea!?!”

Azzrian 12 years ago

haha exactly! And if you ask me Dong Ding does not really smell or taste like tea! :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago


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Ellyn 12 years ago

This sounds SO GOOD!

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Adding this one to my list, your review just made me hungry for something sweet!

Azzrian 12 years ago

Ellyn it really is excellent – I can’t wait to get my larger order! Josie Jade – lol sorry to cause a sweet tooth :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

I just put in an order because of this review!!! I had been thinking about a lemon tea after having loved the lime chiffon so much. But my husband would have a fit if another box came from Della Terra so soon. When I read this review I decided to try White Lion! So excited, can’t wait!!!

Azzrian 12 years ago

Ohhh please PM me and let me know what you think of the package when it comes. I was pretty impressed by the packaging alone lol – but I would love to know what you think of this tea too! :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

I just ordered the sample sizes of the lemon souffle, the fireside, the ginger peach, the pomegranete oolong, and vanilla dolce, but I can’t wait to get them! I’ll let you know what I think.

Azzrian 12 years ago

Oh I have the Vanilla Dolce on the way as well. I can’t wait to try that! I think I got a sample of the ginger peach as well.
I can’t wait to get those cute glass containers too :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

Does the samples come in a container or just a foil bag? I thought the containers was 4oz or more.

Azzrian 12 years ago

My samples came in the tins pictured above and with the tea listing. I took that pic.
I had thought the samples came in the glass jars as well – little ones – and they may because I know they were out of the larger glass jars. I have been waiting for them to get restocked for my order as I did not want the plastic containers they offered in replacement.

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

Now I really can’t wait! Sometimes I’m like a kid at Christmas. I know the postman thinks I’m nuts, when I’m waiting on something I run out to meet him. My husbands always getting things in the mail for the corvette, so I’ll yell is it light or heavy when he reaches for a package. If he says light – I raise my hands and yells " YES "! He just laughs, shakes he’s head as he pulls out the drive.

Azzrian 12 years ago

I LITERALLY LOL’d! :) That is awesome! I am sure my mailman, UPS guy, and FED ex guy all think I am involved in something really huge haha. Getting packages from all over the world more or less. He probably thinks I’m really wealthy haha then again he knows I don’t live in a wealthy neighborhood! :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago

Lol!! I know my family teases me when I get out the scale. Their like “Are you sure that’s tea!?!”

Azzrian 12 years ago

haha exactly! And if you ask me Dong Ding does not really smell or taste like tea! :)

Sandy'sCuppa 12 years ago


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Most of my reviews will be “snippits” of full reviews that can be found at http://sororiteasisters.com/
Posted every evening at 6 EST.
I usually try to post the exact date that the full reviews will post however sometimes post dates need changed so it may not always be correct. Generally the dates are correct however.

About Me:

Most of my reviews, although not all, will be quite favorable of the tea. This is not because all tea is excellent, but more so because I generally will not waste my time on an inferior tea. If I do not care for a tea I won’t continue to drink it let alone spend time reviewing it. If you see a review by me you basically know it is a quality tea. Granted it may not suit your specific taste buds, we all like different things, but as for a tea on the whole it is a good one, from a good company.

I am a spiritual advisor by profession.
I have two “young adult” children.
Four cats and three dogs.

Some of my hobbies include gardening, essential oil therapy, natural perfumery with essential oils, and cooking.

I look for complexity overall in any tea, dimensions to the flavors.

I believe tea should evoke a feeling, thought, emotion, or attitude.

I enjoy most all oolongs, blacks, whites, and greens.

I always love to try a good yellow tea.

I favor unadulterated teas but I do have my longings for a good flavored tea now and then so I don’t rule them out by any means!

I enjoy green rooibos don not like red rooibos.

Find me on facebook and twitter – Azzrian Visions





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