Sandy thank you SO much for not only a generous sample but the cutest tin hand painted!!! Your such the artist – I can’t draw a stick figure so am always so happy to get something hand crafted from a friend! Thank you for the note cards as well your the best!
So onto the tea … I actually like it and I say that as I have become disenchanted with Adagio lately so this was a nice surprise!
Excellent ALMOND flavoring not cherry and I too sometimes can’t tell the difference lol but this one is almond all the way. :)
Pretty good oolong base as well.
Have had one of those days where I can’t really fully ENJOY a cup of tea so I have let this get cold (room temp) and still enjoyed it very much, then have re-heated it which does not work well with all teas but with this one it does, and very very yummy hot and freshly brewed!
For a chaotic day this has been keeping me sane!
Thank you again Sandy this was totally unexpected!
I will get ya back :)
What design flaw? Seriously lol other than the lid being hard to get off – probably got warm in shipping and melted together some .. I saw no issue – then again I do NOT have the eye for art. I love it – its sitting on top of my cabinet in front and on top of others so it is on display! :)
I shouldn’t have painted all the way to the rim. The paint rubs off. It is acrylic, though, so you probably won’t die if it gets in the tea. =)
LOL thats the best laugh I had all day – thank you I needed that! :)
I am sure I will be fine – and none got in the tea.
A little came off when hubby struggled to get the lid off haha.
Its all good though :)
It was my genuine pleasure. Please forgive the design flaw with the tin. :)
What design flaw? Seriously lol other than the lid being hard to get off – probably got warm in shipping and melted together some .. I saw no issue – then again I do NOT have the eye for art. I love it – its sitting on top of my cabinet in front and on top of others so it is on display! :)
I shouldn’t have painted all the way to the rim. The paint rubs off. It is acrylic, though, so you probably won’t die if it gets in the tea. =)
LOL thats the best laugh I had all day – thank you I needed that! :)
I am sure I will be fine – and none got in the tea.
A little came off when hubby struggled to get the lid off haha.
Its all good though :)
LOL you are killing me here Sandy. :D
The paint in the one I sent home with Dylan probably won’t kill you either, Missy. =P