Cold steeped! Leftover leaves from yesterday’s yixing run!

Oh gawd, I wrote that first line of the tea log then a huge moth ran across my desk so I had to run around screaming and throwing stuff at it. I think it’s dead, but i had to use a knitting pattern book to do it. Cry. Darn husband, wish he could work from home so he deal with this kinda stuff. I can’t handle bugs.

Anyways, time to tea! This came out sweet! It’s like cedary woody sweet. Like a fancy honey with woody notes. Maybe not honey, but not maple or agave. Very interesting and very good! I need to cold steep more of my shu pu’er.

Oh gawd, it’s twitching.. /sob

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Stephanie 12 years ago

LOL your tea sounds good, but poor moth and poor you! heh

Oolong Owl 12 years ago

When my husband comes home and finds the body, it’ll probably get fed to the turtle.

Stephanie 12 years ago

Yum, tasty moth snack :)

TeaBrat 12 years ago

My cat used to love chasing moths around. :)

tperez 12 years ago

Eek! I had a moth infestation in my room for a few months a while back because I couldn’t figure out where they were coming from. I started out thinking of them like any other bug, but now I’ve got sort of a borderline phobia of the things! :(

Bonnie 12 years ago

More people should cold brew puerh. It’s refreshing…liked what you said about wood and honey or agave. I sometimes think of sugarcane and the fibrous sweetness.

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Stephanie 12 years ago

LOL your tea sounds good, but poor moth and poor you! heh

Oolong Owl 12 years ago

When my husband comes home and finds the body, it’ll probably get fed to the turtle.

Stephanie 12 years ago

Yum, tasty moth snack :)

TeaBrat 12 years ago

My cat used to love chasing moths around. :)

tperez 12 years ago

Eek! I had a moth infestation in my room for a few months a while back because I couldn’t figure out where they were coming from. I started out thinking of them like any other bug, but now I’ve got sort of a borderline phobia of the things! :(

Bonnie 12 years ago

More people should cold brew puerh. It’s refreshing…liked what you said about wood and honey or agave. I sometimes think of sugarcane and the fibrous sweetness.

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I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl – I do tea reviews, obsessively photograph teas with mischievous crocheted Owls and get tea drunk. I am also a crochet and knitting designer at Awkward Soul Designs.

To contact me for reviews, check out details at or email me at

I was raised on floral oolongs and green teas, mostly “beauty” teas. Early on as a kid, I can guzzle an entire pot of tea (or two) at a Chinese or Japanese restaurant.
These days I like adventurous and interesting tea blends. I’m fearless in trying new teas! I’m into oolong, pu’erh, white, green, black, guayusa, mate and herbals. I’m not into red rooibos but I keep buying it anyway.

The tea brand that got me started into loose leaf teas was DAVIDsTea. I used to live in Vancouver Canada and had access to their shop, however that is now limited since I moved to southern California.

However, the perks of living in the US is ultra cheap, fast shipping! Since then, my tea stash insanely expanded.

Other stuff I’m into that sneaks into my tea notes: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, metal music, drawing, painting, cooking, photography and nail polish.

BTW, my Steepster cupboard is not even close to accurate and I track my teas on a spreadsheet. Last update 573 Teas – August 2015.


Seattle, WA USA


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