Backlog + Sipdown
Back from my vacation to Utah! Ate lots of food, hiked around Zion national park and went to the Brazilian Jiujitsu school there a couple times (to blow steam off from being stuck with my inlaw family!) Utah is HOT! like 105f / 41c oven dry hot. I thought SoCal was bad!
I took a bunch of tea with me, all friendly to boiling water. Lupicia has lots of boiling water teas, despite being greens, whites and oolongs. I had a number of good rounds of tea and finished off the bag. Very good floral with a plum flavor. The oolong seems too grassy for the combination, but resteeps toned it down.
Uggg, hopefully Oolong Owl blog stuff will resume tomorrow. I’m trying to get my crochet work in order and all post travel stuff done.
How was the Juijitsu school? Did you win any matches? :)
hehehe I did! They don’t have many students, especially women at my level. Though one guy tool’d me quite well, but I still learned lots :)