A bit odd. Mine was from the autumn harvest of 2020. The dry leaves smell very ‘green.’ The wet leaves smell a bit vegetal, quite a bit grassy, and ‘green’ in a way that reminds me less of green tea than of spring leaves from some sort of tree. There is a less pleasant note to the scent of the wet leaves as well; it almost reminds me of wet fur.

The taste is more mineral than I expected based on the smell. It’s predominantly vegetal, though, in a bold, sort of thick way slightly reminiscent of some senchas I’ve had.

The texture isn’t notable except that it caused a slight tingling on my tongue. I wonder if this is due to the hair on the tea leaves; I get a similar sensation from eating kiwis, which also have little hairs.

Flavors: Grass, Green, Mineral, Vegetal

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

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I like trying unique teas, especially those from areas of the world not known for tea production. It’s always something of a gamble and can lead to all kinds of surprises.

While I’m usually not into flavoured or scented teas, there are definitely exceptions. Hei cha which is not pu-erh tends to be my favourite category of tea, but I like some teas of all types. Smoky, creamy, and honey-like tastes generally appeal to me the most.

Top five teas I’ve had thus far (in no particular order):

Mekong Breakfast from Rakkasan Tea Company

2015 Gao Jia Shan “Cha Duo Tang” Wild Harvested Hunan Fu Brick Tea, from Yunnan Sourcing

Asahina Gyokuro “Hon Gyokuro” from Hojo Tea

Any good Lapsang Souchong

2018 Cha Yu Lin “Liu Bu Xi Village” Tian Jian Basket Tea from Yunnan Sourcing


Rural New England

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