The fragrance of this tea is delightful – The dry leaves smell rich, fresh, and sweet, and the richness is enhanced in the scent of the leaves once steeped. The mixture includes stems in addition to the leaves, which is interesting.
The flavor of the tea is rich and buttery, with light hints of bitterness. I followed their recommendation for the amount of dry tea to use – they recommend using 3 times the amount of dry tea per cup compared to most of the other green teas I have seen and tried (1Tbsp vs 1 tsp- maybe because there are also stems in there?). This resulted in a very strong flavor. They also recommend brewing longer and at a higher temperature than I usually have success with for green teas. (Their recommendation on the box is 3 minutes at 185.) I ignored their suggestions for steep time and temperature, going cooler and shorter, but I think and even shorter steep may be beneficial. I think I may experiment with using less tea than they recommend, and significantly less steeping time in the future.
That may also help bring the price per cup down, which was a concern for me. The 50g packet was about $17, which wouldn’t be too bad at 1 tsp per cup, but is a bit much if you follow their recommendation of 1 Tbsp per cup.
Overall, I think this tea is worthy of experimenting with for now, as the flavor and fragrance suggest potential. But I will hold off on making any recommendations until I’ve spent some time figuring out my preferred brewing method.