I’ve been wanting to try this tea for ages because of the Steepsterite raving. Thanks to Doulton, I finally get my chance!
Visually, the leaves are so long and twisty – they remind me of when worked at a tobacco company and one day opened up the break room freezer only to find 8 gallon-sized plastic bags stuffed with dried tobacco leaves. Those leaves smelled nice but these smell better – cocoa-y, but unlike some cocoa-smelling teas there’s no dryness to it, making it smell richer. But once the tea was in my cup? Oh, that’s lovely. Chocolaty and insanely sweet – like honey or syrup or sugar – and then a little touch of something that makes me think of maybe honeysuckle but that I wouldn’t go so far as to say is floral. So not really sure what that bit is about but it all combines to make something lovely.
With as light and sweet and fluffy as the tea smells, it is surprisingly solid tasting. It’s very smooth with only the barest hint of astringency/dryness at the end. It tastes a lot like a good Tanyang Gongfu actually, but instead of the sweetness being figgy (well, figgy to me… I think technically it supposed to be plum), this one is more of a lighter-than-clover-honey taste. There are strong cocoa notes, especially as it cools and particularly in the aftertaste. There’s also a hint of something that is sharper, something that I can really only identify when I slurp and then it reminds me of burnt sugar or a marshmallow that got a little singed while being roasted over a campfire.
I can see why it has such a fan base – it has really full and yummy flavor that is quite enjoyable. But as good as this is, I think I prefer TeaSpring’s Tan Yang Te Ji (which is no longer on their site – what’s up with that?)
I knew it had to be similar! It’s a sad sad thing that Te Ji leaf grade isn’t available anymore. Sold out I expect. The other leaf grade is so expensive it’s not even funny. I’ll probably still by some, but still!
Yeah, I was going to compare the prices between the two but couldn’t find the Te Ji – oh the horror! But if the other one is a higher quality leaf, I can only imagine how tasty it would be. The Tan Yang Te Ji is just so good I think it would be hard to beat!
I paid around $10 for the Te Ji, so it’s a good deal more expensive. I really want it. I think I have enough customer points to buy myself a discount coupon, in which case I feel I can defend paying $17 for 50 grams. And if I’m spending anyway, I can get one of their pretty pretty gaiwans too, and see if I can push the whole thing over $70 for free shipping. (Argh no! No shopping, self! Not yet! Not now!)
YES. Singed marshmallow! That…is the vaguely-hash-y note.
I realize that makes almost no sense, but I knew immediately when I read it that you were talking about the same thing. That’s a great way to describe it.
I knew it had to be similar! It’s a sad sad thing that Te Ji leaf grade isn’t available anymore. Sold out I expect. The other leaf grade is so expensive it’s not even funny. I’ll probably still by some, but still!
Yeah, I was going to compare the prices between the two but couldn’t find the Te Ji – oh the horror! But if the other one is a higher quality leaf, I can only imagine how tasty it would be. The Tan Yang Te Ji is just so good I think it would be hard to beat!
I paid around $10 for the Te Ji, so it’s a good deal more expensive. I really want it. I think I have enough customer points to buy myself a discount coupon, in which case I feel I can defend paying $17 for 50 grams. And if I’m spending anyway, I can get one of their pretty pretty gaiwans too, and see if I can push the whole thing over $70 for free shipping. (Argh no! No shopping, self! Not yet! Not now!)
Hahah! That free shipping price point is so dangerous! (Which I’m sure is why they have it!)
YES. Singed marshmallow! That…is the vaguely-hash-y note.
I realize that makes almost no sense, but I knew immediately when I read it that you were talking about the same thing. That’s a great way to describe it.
Yay! I felt kind of nutty writing that down and almost went with burnt sugar but there was a slight smoky and a higher sweetness than just plain sugar so that’s what I ended up with. Yay for not being crazy! :)