drank Black Assam by Mana Organics
81 tasting notes

this is a nice malty/honey assam that was included in my Sipsby box this month. perfect for these colder mornings we’ve been having (bc texas, it’s colder in the mornings and then goes right into the mid-60’s to mid-70’s in the afternoons).

my cat, Spooky, is acting more and more like himself, which is such a damn relief. I took him to the vet this past Saturday, just for a re-check which was actually perfect timing because sometime between Wednesday evening (I took him to the vet AGAIN on Wednesday bc I could not COULD NOT get his tiny little pill in him bc he is old and awful) and Friday evening he licked his little arm (where they had shaved him to administer the fluids) raw! it was so red and awful looking and I felt so bad that I didn’t see it sooner :( they had to give him an antibiotic shot and a steroid shot (to help with the itching). but anyway, yes. he’s acting like himself, yelling for food and not giving a shit about my sleep schedule.

derk 6 years ago

Good kitty.

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derk 6 years ago

Good kitty.

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I used to make photographs and string myself in bookmaking. now I mostly knit and think about textiles and films. film makers. and bees?

this is a new account, maybe I’ll stop being so lurk-y.

IG: @asoftskeleton, though I don’t post a lot of tea. if you are interested in weird books I find at work (I work in a library) and photos of my very spoiled cat, that’s mostly what you’ll see.



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