Received my Verdant order in the mail today. I called in sick so I was home when it came, which is good because my boyfriend gets off work before I do and always sees my parcels before I can hide them, so he has no idea I had another tea delivery :)

I tried this one first because it smelled quite malty and chocolatey. I ended up ruining two batches of this by forgetting about it, and man was it awful oversteeped. I finally got it right and this tea wasn’t what I thought it would be. I wasn’t getting any chocolate or caramel notes, only a roasted barley flavour. It was still quite good, especially with agave and cream, but I’m hoping I’ll notice some of the other flavours the more I drink this.


That’s too bad. What were your steeping parameters for your happy-er spot?


Oh probably about 5 mins boiling water. I am not big on setting a timer or anything. I am going to try it at 2 or 3 minutes next time. The first two times it was like 10-15 mins.


Woah 10 mins is a lot hahaha. Try 3 mins boiling. That’s my go to place unless I need a bolder cup then it’s closer to 5.

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That’s too bad. What were your steeping parameters for your happy-er spot?


Oh probably about 5 mins boiling water. I am not big on setting a timer or anything. I am going to try it at 2 or 3 minutes next time. The first two times it was like 10-15 mins.


Woah 10 mins is a lot hahaha. Try 3 mins boiling. That’s my go to place unless I need a bolder cup then it’s closer to 5.

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I didn’t drink a lot of tea growing up, just the red rose my nana would make me with about 3 teaspoons of sugar added to it. I started getting into loose leaf tea about a decade ago when I visited our local tea house and tried Rooibos for the first time, though I only drank it on occasion. I didn’t get serious about it until David’s tea came to town. I was on a diet and wanted something I could drink without sugar that had a lot of flavours to choose from.

I prefer black teas, but oolong and green come in a close second. White and guayusa are in the middle, while mate, rooibos and herbals are at the bottom of my list.

Likes: banana, jasmine, pumpkin, lychee, blueberry, chocolate
Dislikes: orange, ginger, rose, hibiscus, butterscotch, honeybush

My non-tea related interests are music, camping, poker, softball, snowboarding, biology and animals. I have 2 dogs and they are my whole life.


Prince George, BC

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