My morning is going much better now. :)
Since I woke up so early I decided what else to do than make some fluffy chocolate chip pancakes. This was my morning cuppa.
And I have to say it’s much nicer than I expected it would be! My first white earl grey. I usually always have to add a lot of milk or cream to traditional black earl greys to love them, but you can’t do that with white tea, so I was wondering if I’d like the taste without any additions.
Surprisingly yes! Very much so! So interesting to taste earl grey flavors in a white tea. Much less harsh, but still a good punch of bergamot in the face.
I added a bit of honey and that tasted lovely, and then I did something unthinkable and added a spoon of coconut milk… yes. Milk. To white tea.
And it actually just added a creamy note, and the flavors still held up quite nicely. Cool! Makes me want to find a White Earl Grey De La Creme!