52teas is quickly becoming one of my go-to companies for flavorful black tea blends. I love that Anne creates a new tea on a weekly basis. I don’t like that I have to place orders so frequently to avoid having a tea sell out while I wait to see what the next TOTW is. Thankfully (for my tea budget) many of her recent TOTW blends are green teas, rooibos/honeybush-based and/or floral, so there’s been a lull in my ordering. I tend to jump on her black tea blends though, and I’m glad I picked up two large bags of this tea that was the TOTW the last week of April.
I don’t get a lot of cupcake flavor, but the tangerine and vanilla marshmallow notes are divine. Again, the black tea base is lovely and smooth. The tea is slightly sweet and has delicious tart citrus flavor. The tea also takes milk and sweetener well; I’ve used stevia drops and almond milk this morning.