I’m a 30-something Texan and wannabe globetrotter. I like my tea sweet and over ice.
I prefer: tisanes/fruit infusions, breakfast teas, (flavored) black teas, maté blends, dessert teas
Yes: hibiscus, goji berries, sea buckthorn, cantaloupe/rock melon, honeydew melon, berries (particularly cranberry, blackberry, and raspberry), mango, coconut, peach, plum, apricot, citrus, vanilla
No: cherry (on its own), carrot, (overwhelming) warming spices, mint (peppermint, spearmint, etc.), most florals, eucalyptus, sunflower seeds, lapsang
Houston, TX
I didn’t care for this one either :/
I’m not crazy about cherry teas to begin with, but I like the idea of cherry and coconut together. I’ve yet to find a cherry tea that I’m over the moon about.