To my surprise I really like this tea. Chocolate teas are really hit or miss with me, but I’ve recently discovered that I’ve been drinking them wrong. Hot tea is something I rarely enjoy. I’m from the south, where it’s summer 8+ months a year. Iced tea is my jam. I don’t know why it never dawned on me that I should consider preparing them iced. I’ve been drinking this lovely blend of chocolate, coconut and pecan as an iced latte, and it is just delicious. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that I’d consider repurchasing it when I’ve finished my 50-gram bag. Add some coconut almond milk and a few drops of stevia drops (caramel or English toffee) and you’ve got yourself a relatively low-calorie indulgence that tastes like liquefied Samoa cookies. I’m down with that.