OK, folks. I’m going way off my beaten path with this one. I came across Vahdam Teas through Steepster, and I saw good things. Always excited to begin a new exploration, I decided to make them my point person for my journey through Indian teas. I snatched up NEARLY every sampler pack they had (all half price!), and waited for the goods. The only sampler I didn’t get was the one with herbal teas.

When the package arrived, I was happy to see a few extra packs of teas given as free samples. Lo and behold! three were herbal teas, and one was a scented green tea… I guess the good folks at Vahdam figured I still needed to expand my horizons!

So, here we are. I don’t drink scented teas, much less herbal tisanes, but I have to say that I am excited to go on this unexpected journey.

Alright, so diving in… The ingredients are turmeric, black pepper, cardamom, and clove. The flavors are bold and fresh – no artificial flavoring here! The turmeric is fresh and spicy, with a silkiness that is intriguing and pleasant. I was surprised at the creaminess of it – if I didn’t know better, I would swear it had milk in it. This creaminess helps deliver the spices in a restrained and sophisticated way.

The black pepper is fairly bold, but it is balanced, cutting through the heaviness of the turmeric. The cardamom adds a spicy sweetness to balance out the pepperiness, and cloves offer their sweet spiciness to add a complex finish.

That’s really all I can say. If you don’t like any of the ingredients above, you probably want to steer clear. This is an unapologetic spice experience, but it is delivered well, with quality ingredients and careful blending ratios.
Dry herb/spice: turmeric and black pepper are apparent from the outset. Sweetness of cardamom then arrives, with spiciness of cloves at the end.

Smell: creamy and savory. Creaminess helps put turmeric in check, clove and cardamom more easily noticeable.

Taste: turmeric and black pepper are readily apparent. Very creamy and milky body that help to round out edges of the spices. Sweetness of cardamom arrives in the development. Spiciness of clove lingers in aftertaste.

Evol Ving Ness

All the sampler packs! Yay you! A tea shopper after my heart.
Buy all the things.

Evol Ving Ness

This one sounds very good indeed.


At half price, I couldn’t resist! I picked up the black tea, green tea, oolong, and chai tea samplers. Lots of reviews to come… As for this one, I can’t say that it really converted me, but it was certainly a unique experience. The little nuggets of turmeric were intimidating, and the dry herb smell was super strong. But, I was surprised at how relatively smooth the actual flavor was.

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Evol Ving Ness

All the sampler packs! Yay you! A tea shopper after my heart.
Buy all the things.

Evol Ving Ness

This one sounds very good indeed.


At half price, I couldn’t resist! I picked up the black tea, green tea, oolong, and chai tea samplers. Lots of reviews to come… As for this one, I can’t say that it really converted me, but it was certainly a unique experience. The little nuggets of turmeric were intimidating, and the dry herb smell was super strong. But, I was surprised at how relatively smooth the actual flavor was.

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Rating info:
100 – I haven’t found the perfect tea yet!

92-95 – So good that I will purchase this tea again, guaranteed. Excellent flavor and value.

88-91 – A tea that I would consider purchasing again at some point. Great flavor and value.

85-87 – Tea that was worth the purchase and that I enjoyed drinking, although I probably won’t be purchasing it again any time soon. Flavor may have slight drawbacks, or the price might be a little expensive.

80-84 – A tea that has some good points, but falls a bit short on its price:quality ratio. Flavor is a bit mediocre.

No rating – I did not like this tea and would not drink it, given other options.


Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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